The following signs and displays, as defined herein, are prohibited in all zoning districts, subject only to the exceptions stated herein:
   A.   Flashing signs.
   B.   All moving signs. Certain moving signs may also constitute a public nuisance. See sections 5-7-3 and 5-7-4 of this Code.
   C.   Projecting signs, except in the C-4 Downtown Commercial District.
   D.   Roof mounted signs.
   E.   Signs on otherwise vacant land, other than real estate signs, construction signs or outdoor advertising signs, as defined and regulated herein.
   F.   Vehicle signs.
   G.   Signs using visible neon tubing or light emitting diodes, except for interior window signs (see section 10-20-13, “Table 1”, of this chapter).
   H.   Pennants, streamers, balloons, helium filled and inflatable objects, search lights, beacon lights, except as otherwise permitted by or exempted from these regulations, but not to include public notice signs required under this chapter.
   I.   Any sign advertising a product, service, business and the like, that is not located on the premises upon which the sign is located.
   J.   Video screen signs.
   K.   Flashing, blinking or strobe lights visibly located either inside or outside the building and used to attract attention to a product, service or business which may cause a distraction.
   L.   All other signs not expressly permitted by this chapter.
(1987 Code § 7.50.2)