Recreational burning shall be permitted within the City limits, subject to the conditions and limitations contained herein.
   A.   Defined: Recreational burning shall be defined as follows:
      1.   A fire within an enclosed fireplace designed for outdoor use.
      2.   A bonfire used for ceremonial purposes and conducted by responsible individuals or organizations, but only upon special permit issued by the City. Unless otherwise approved by the City, a bonfire shall not exceed five feet by five feet (5' x 5') in size, shall not burn longer than three (3) hours, and shall not be closer than fifty feet (50') from any structure. Adequate provision shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within fifty feet (50') of any structure.
   B.   Conditions: Recreational burning shall be subject to the following conditions:
      1.   Private Property: Unless otherwise authorized by the City Council, recreational fires shall occur on private property and at no time shall a person start or maintain any fire in any street, sidewalk, park or public right-of-way.
      2.   Permanent Outdoor Fire Pits: Each permanent outdoor fire pit shall be dug into the ground in a manner that will prevent the burn materials from falling out of the pit. The above grade portion of the pit shall be constructed of stone, masonry, metal or other similar noncombustible materials. The bottom of the pit shall be below grade and shall be comprised of gravel, stone or dirt. The total open area of the pit shall be no more than forty eight inches (48") across and no more than twenty four inches (24") in depth from the bottom of the pit to the top of the above grade materials. The pit shall be surrounded by a noncombustible barrier.
      3.   Portable Fireplaces: Portable fireplaces shall be located on a noncombustible, hard, level surface when in use, such as, but not limited to, concrete, paver bricks or asphalt.
      4.   Attendance: A recreational fire shall be attended at all times by an adult.
      5.   Extinguishing Equipment: A garden hose connected to a water supply or other fire extinguishing equipment shall be readily available for use.
      6.   Seasoned Dry Firewood: Only seasoned dry firewood shall be used for a recreational fire, provided, however, a small amount of paper and/or brush may be used to start the fire as kindling.
      7.   Extinguish When Unattended: The fire shall be extinguished when unattended.
      8.   Control Of Smoke: Any smoke from a recreational fire shall not flow into an adjacent or nearby building.
      9.   Nuisances: If at any time, the fire is found to be a nuisance to persons on neighboring properties, the fire shall be immediately extinguished.
(Ord. 18-1175, 7-10-2018)