All exempt and nonexempt signs shall conform to the following standards, except as otherwise provided herein:
A. Location And Placement:
1. Within Public Right-Of-Way; Exception:
a. No sign or associated light fixture shall be located within, project into, or overhang a public right-of-way, such as a sign upon a tree or utility pole therein, except as otherwise permitted herein.
b. Temporary signs posted by not for profit, charitable or philanthropic organizations located within the City, advertising a particular event, subject to the following conditions. If all conditions listed herein are met, City Council approval shall not be required. If any one of the conditions listed herein cannot be met or some variance of any condition is being requested, City Council approval is required:
(1) A sign permit is obtained; and
(2) The required thirty dollar ($30.00) temporary sign deposit is made; and
(3) The size of each sign cannot exceed eighteen inches by twenty four inches (18" x 24") (3 square feet); and
(4) May be displayed up to two (2) weeks prior to the event and must be removed no later than two (2) days following the event; and
(5) A City issued permit sticker is displayed on each sign; and
(6) The overlap on the display of two (2) or more temporary signage permits shall not exceed one week; and
(7) One sign may be posted at each the following locations:
Bull Valley Road and South Route 31 (1 corner only).
Chapel Hill and Route 120 (S/W corner only).
Crystal Lake and Bull Valley Road (1 corner only).
Crystal Lake Road and Elm Street (north side of Elm Street only).
Richmond Road and Blake Boulevard (1 corner only).
Richmond Road and Diamond Drive (1 corner only).
Richmond Road and Elm Street (south side of Elm Street only).
Richmond Road and McCullom Lake Road (1 corner only).
Ridge Road (west City limits) and Route 120 (in close proximity to City welcome sign).
Ringwood Road and Elm Street (1 corner of intersection only).
2. Obstructions: No sign may obstruct a fire escape, door, window or other entrance or exit, or any window surface required for ventilation by any City Code.
3. Traffic Hazards: No sign may by reason of location, or location and size, obstruct the vision of drivers or obstruct or detract from the visibility or effectiveness of any traffic signal or control device.
4. Proximity To Electric Wires: No metal sign shall be located within a vertical distance of eight feet (8'), or a horizontal distance of four feet (4'), of electric wires or conductors, even if such wires or conductors are insulated or otherwise protected.
5. Clearance For Metal Electrical Signs: A minimum sign clearance of one and one-half feet (1-1/2') shall be maintained for all metal signs with electrical wiring.
6. Vision Clearance: Any sign located within the vision clearance triangle, as defined in section 11-3-1 of this Code, shall have a minimum sign clearance of eight feet (8'), unless the sign height is two and one-half feet (2-1/2') or less.
B. Illumination:
1. Bare Bulb Or Flame Illumination: Illumination by bare bulbs or flames is prohibited, except that bare bulbs are permitted on changing signs or on theater marquees.
2. Projecting Light Fixtures: Gooseneck reflectors or other arms projecting from the sign mounted with lights to illuminate the sign are permitted on freestanding and wall signs.
3. Constant Illumination: Sign illumination shall be constant in intensity and color.
4. Nonglaring: The light for any illuminated sign shall be shaded, shielded or directed so as not to cause glare in surrounding properties or in public streets.
5. Traffic Hazards: No direct or reflected light from a light source for an illuminated sign shall create a traffic hazard for operators of motor vehicles.
6. Neon: No sign shall use visible neon tubing, except for interior window signs (see section 10-20-13, “Table 1”, of this chapter).
C. Sign Design:
1. Resemblance To Traffic Devices: No sign shall by reason of shape, color, content or use of lighting be similar in appearance to any traffic signal or traffic sign in a way that may interfere with traffic movement or safety.
2. Obscenity: No sign or display shall contain words or pictures of obscene, indecent or immoral character that offend the public morals and decency of the City.
3. Changing Electronic Message And Display Board Signs: Changing electronic message and display board signs, as defined herein, are permitted in accordance with the following provisions, in addition to those set forth in section 10-20-13, “Table 1”, of this chapter:
a. Changing electronic message and display board signs must be freestanding. Changing electronic message wall signs are expressly prohibited;
b. All electronic messages displayed must be provided with automatic dimming software or solar sensors to control brightness for nighttime viewing and varying daytime lighting conditions;
c. All electronic or manually displayed messages on the sign shall only direct attention to a business, product, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered on the premises on which the sign is located. Community emergency alerts, such as inclement weather or amber alerts, are exempt;
d. All electronic messages displayed must be programmed so the electronic message change occurs instantaneously, without use of scrolling, flashing, blinking, or other similar transitions. All electronic message signs must contain static messages only, changed only through dissolve or fade transitions, but which may otherwise not have movement or the appearance or optical illusion of movement varying light intensity, including any part of the board, design or pictorial segment.
4. Permit Number: The sign permit number shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on every nonexempt sign.
D. Construction Standards:
1. Building And Electrical Codes Apply: All signs shall conform to the Building Regulations Ordinances of the City, including the Electrical Code adopted herein. Any required building or electrical permits shall be obtained at the same time as the sign permit. Conductors for all illuminated signs shall be enclosed in rigid conduit or other approved raceways and shall be controlled with an external disconnect. All sign circuit conduit shall where possible be concealed from public view.
2. Wind Pressure And Dead Load Requirements: All nonexempt signs shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot of surface area and to receive dead loads as required in the City Building Regulations Ordinances or other City ordinances.
3. Structural Safety: All nonexempt signs shall be designed and constructed in a safe manner and shall be free of any exposed extra bracing, angle iron, guy wires or cables.
4. Glass Requirements: Any glass used on a nonexempt sign shall be heavy safety glass at least one-fourth inch (1/4") thick. All single pieces of glass over three (3) square feet in area shall be wired glass.
5. Framework: All nonexempt signs shall be designed so that all frameworks for the lateral support of the sign, other than supporting poles for a freestanding sign, shall be contained within or behind the face of the sign, or within the building to which it is attached, in such a manner as not to be visible to public view.
E. Other Standards: All nonexempt signs shall conform to the applicable standards in section 10-20-13, “Table 1”, of this chapter.
(1987 Code § 7.50.4)