No owner or person in the custody or control of animals shall fail to exercise proper care and control of such animals to prevent them from becoming a public nuisance. The following actions shall be deemed a public nuisance:
   A.   Barking Dogs: No owner or person in the possession, custody or control of a dog shall allow the dog to bark, whine or howl continuously for a period longer than fifteen (15) minutes, intermittently for a period in excess of two (2) hours, or between the hours of ten o’clock (10:00) P.M. and six o’clock (6:00) A.M., so as to disturb the peace, quiet or repose, or be audible to another person of ordinary sensibility.
   B.   Entry Upon The Private Property Of Another: The owner or person in possession of any dog or cat shall not permit such dog or cat to enter upon the premises or property which is located within the City of another person without permission of the owner of such premises or property.
   C.   Damage To Property: The owner of any dog, cat or other domestic animal shall not permit such dog, cat or other domestic animal to injure, destroy or carry any vegetable, plant, fruit, shrub, tree, flower or other thing which may be on or which may be planted or seeded on the property of another or on public property. These provisions do not exclude any civil liability for damage to property by a dog, cat or other domestic animal.
   D.   Accumulation Of Feces: No person shall allow animal feces to accumulate in any yard, pen or premises in or upon which an animal shall be confined or kept so that it becomes offensive to those residing in the vicinity or a health hazard to the residing animal.
   E.   Removal Of Feces: No person shall fail to remove feces deposited by their animals, except support dogs, upon the public ways or within the public places of the City, or upon the premises of any person other than the owner without that person’s consent.
   F.   Female Animals In Heat: All dogs and cats in heat (estrus) shall be confined in a building or secure enclosure and attended in such a manner that such female cat or dog cannot come into contact with a male of the same species, except for planned breeding.
(1987 Code § 6-8)