A.   Premises Fit For Occupancy: No owner or other person shall occupy or let to another person any dwelling or dwelling unit unless it and the premises is clean, sanitary, fit for human occupancy, and comply with all applicable legal requirements of the State of Illinois, the County of McHenry and the City of McHenry.
(1987 Code § 11-176)
   B.   Shared Public Access Areas: Every owner of a dwelling containing two (2) or more dwelling units shall maintain in a clean and sanitary condition the shared or public area of the dwelling and premises thereof; every occupant shall refrain from any conduct which contributes to the uncleanliness or unsanitary conditions of the shared public areas.
(1987 Code § 11-177)
   C.   Occupant Maintain: Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall maintain in a clean and sanitary condition that part of the dwelling, dwelling unit and premises thereof that they occupy and control.
   D.   Rubbish: Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall store and dispose of all their rubbish in a clean, sanitary and safe manner.
   E.   Garbage And Refuse: Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall store and dispose of all their garbage, refuse and any other organic waste which might provide food for insects and/or rodents in a clean, sanitary, safe manner. All garbage cans and refuse containers shall be rodentproof, insectproof, watertight, structurally strong to withstand handling stress, easily filled, emptied and cleaned; shall be provided with tight fitting covers or similar closures; and shall be maintained at all times in clean sanitary condition.
(Ord. 19-1186, 2-18-2019)
   F.   Sufficient Capacity Of Containers: The total capacity of all provided garbage and/or refuse cans and bulk storage containers shall be sufficient to meet the needs of the occupants of the dwelling.
(1987 Code § 1-181)
   G.   Furnishing Containers: Every owner of a dwelling containing three (3) or more dwelling units shall supply facilities or refuse containers for the sanitary and safe storage and/or disposal of rubbish and garbage. In the case of a single- or two-family dwellings, it shall be the responsibility of each occupant to furnish such facilities or refuse containers.
(1987 Code § 11-182)
   H.   Infestation Extermination: Every occupant of a dwelling containing a single dwelling unit shall be responsible for such extermination of any infestation whenever their dwelling unit is the only one infested. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, whenever infestation is caused by failure of the owner to maintain a dwelling in a rodentproof or reasonable insectproof condition, extermination shall be the responsibility of the owner. Whenever infestation exists in two (2) or more units of the dwelling, or in the shared or public parts of any dwelling containing two (2) or more dwelling units, extermination thereof shall be the responsibility of the owner.
(Ord. 19-1186, 2-18-2019)
   I.   Accumulation Causing Rodent Harborage: No occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall accumulate rubbish, boxes, lumber, scrap metal, or any other materials in such a manner that may provide a rodent harborage in or about any dwelling or dwelling unit.
(1987 Code § 11-184)
   J.   Multiple Dwelling Units Permitting Rodent Harborage: No owner of a dwelling containing three (3) or more dwelling units shall accumulate or permit the accumulation of rubbish, boxes, lumber, scrap metal, or any other materials in such a manner that may provide a rodent harborage in or about the shared or public areas of a dwelling or its premises.
(1987 Code § 11-185)
   K.   Food Accumulation For Rodents: No owner or occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall store, place or allow to accumulate any materials which may serve as food for rodents in a site accessible to rodents.
(1987 Code § 11-186)
   L.   Heat Temperature:
      1.   From September 15 until June 1 and from six thirty o’clock (6:30) A.M. to ten thirty o’clock (10:30) P.M., in every dwelling unit and/or rooming unit when the control of the supplied heat is the responsibility of a person other than the occupant, a temperature of at least sixty eight degrees Fahrenheit (68°F) shall be maintained in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, water closet compartments, recreation rooms, laundries and communicating corridors immediately adjacent to a dwelling unit at a distance of thirty six inches (36") above the floor level. A minimum temperature of sixty five degrees Fahrenheit (65°F) shall be maintained at all other times during this period.
      2.   Failure to furnish the heat required by this subsection L shall not constitute an offense where it is due to a breakdown of the heating plant, if diligence is used to have such plant repaired (unless such breakdown has been caused by a violation of this chapter), nor where it is due to strikes, to a general shortage of fuel, to any act of the tenant who makes the complaint or to any cause beyond the owner’s control.
(1987 Code § 11-187)
   M.   Lead Based Paint: No owner or occupant shall apply a lead based paint to any surface in any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house and/or rooming unit.
(1987 Code § 11-188)