General Provisions
   152.001   Short title
   152.002   Purpose
   152.003   Legal basis
   152.004   Scope
   152.005   Administration
   152.006   Fees
   152.007   Cemeteries
   152.008   Conformance with zoning code
   152.009   Rules applying to text
   152.010   Definitions
Plat Procedures and Specifications
   152.025   Initial procedures
   152.026   Purpose
   152.027   Suggested information
   152.028   Subdivision Advisory Committee
   152.029   Preliminary plat tentative approval; filing procedures
   152.030   Information required
   152.031   Review procedures
   152.032   Effect of tentative approval of preliminary plat
   152.033   Preliminary plat final approval of the preliminary plat
   152.034   Information required for final approval of the preliminary plat
   152.035   Review by the Village Planning Council
   152.036   Review by the Village Council
   152.037   Effect of final approval of preliminary plat
   152.038   Final plat; filing procedures
   152.039   Information required
   152.040   Review of final plat
   152.041   Effect of final plat approval
Design and Development Standards
   152.055   Generally
   152.056   Streets and alleys
   152.057   Street layout
   152.058   Drainage
   152.059   Half streets
   152.060   Cul-de-sac streets
   152.061   Alleys
   152.062   Private streets
   152.063   Marginal access streets
   152.064   Other required streets
   152.065   Special treatment along major streets
   152.066   Street names and house numbers
   152.067   Location for utilities
   152.068   Street standards and specifications
   152.069   Blocks
   152.070   Lots; dimensions
   152.071   Lot frontage
   152.072   Resubdividing
   152.073   Lot lines
   152.074   Lots to be buildable
   152.075   Setbacks and yard requirements
   152.076   Access
   152.077   Access from private streets
   152.078   Lot division
   152.079   Reserve strips
   152.080   Nonresidential lots
   152.081   Pedestrian ways and sidewalks
   152.082   Natural features
   152.083   Uninhabitable areas
   152.095   Storm drainage
   152.096   Sewer and water utilities
   152.097   Gas, wire or cable utilities
   152.098   Easements
   152.099   Reservation of public use areas
Special Plats
   152.110   Planned unit residential development
   152.111   Mobile home subdivisions
   152.112   Commercial subdivisions
   152.113   Industrial subdivisions
   152.114   Soil erosion and sediment control
   152.115   Restrictive covenants
   152.116   Trees
   152.117   Street lights
Subdivision Improvements
   152.130   Purpose
   152.131   Standards
   152.132   Preparation of plans
   152.133   Timing of developments
   152.134   Staging
   152.135   Oversize facilities
   152.136   Engineering drawings of improvements
   152.137   Modification during construction
   152.138   As built drawings
   152.139   Construction schedule
   152.140   Required improvements
   152.141   Monuments
   152.142   Streets and alleys
   152.143   Utilities
   152.144   Storm drainage
   152.145   Water supply system
   152.146   Sanitary sewer system
   152.147   Gas, wire and cable utilities
   152.148   Street name signs
   152.149   Sidewalks and pedestrian paths
   152.150   Public use areas
   152.151   Trees
   152.152   Street lighting
   152.153   Driveways
   152.154   Erosion and sedimentation control
   152.155   Guarantee of completion of improvements
   152.156   Performance or surety bond
   152.157   Cash deposit, certified check, or irrevocable bank letter of credit
   152.158   Contingency deposit
   152.159   Protection and repair bond
   152.160   Failure to complete the construction of an improvement
   152.161   Inspection of improvements
   152.162   Inspection schedule
   152.163   Inspection of improvements under construction
   152.164   Compliance with standards
   152.165   Acceptance
   152.166   Fees
   152.167   Site cleanup
   152.180   Generally
   152.181   Hardship variance
   152.182   Findings required
   152.183   Report
   152.184   Conditions
   152.185   Comprehensive development variance
   152.186   Criteria
   152.187   Application required
   152.188   Comprehensive development variance
   152.189   Responsibility for granting variances
   152.200   Building permits
   152.201   Occupancy permits
   152.202   Amendments
   152.999   Penalty