No grading, removal of trees or other vegetation, land filling, construction of improvements, or other material change except for that which is required by any of the reviewing agencies for purpose of aiding in their review of the preliminary plat, for final approval, shall commence on the subject property until the proprietor has:
   (A)   Received a written notice from the Clerk that the Village Council has given final approval to the preliminary plat;
   (B)   Entered into a subdivision agreement with the Village Council for completion of all improvements required in the preliminary plat as finally approved;
   (C)   Deposited with the Village a bond or other form of security as required by this chapter for the provision of improvements;
   (D)   Received a certificate of approval or similar evidence of approval of the engineering plans from the Village Engineer of each improvement to be installed prior to approval of the final plat. Where approval of such plans must be obtained from the County Drain Commissioner, County Health Department, or other county or state agency, the proprietor shall provide evidence of such approval to the Village Engineer prior to his or her report and recommendation to the Village Council. Such plans and approvals shall include those for soil erosion and sedimentation controls.
(1984 Code, § 5.604)