General Provisions
33.001 Adoption
33.002 Summary
33.003 CEQA exempt
33.004 Introduction
33.005 Authority of CAWD
33.006 Laws to be observed
33.007 Definitions
33.008 Abbreviations
33.009 Pipe types
Scope of Work
33.020 Scope
33.021 Guarantee of work
33.022 Indemnification
33.023 Safety
33.024 Preservation of property
33.025 Rights in land and improvements
33.026 Personal liability
33.027 Sewer service
33.028 Trade names and alternatives
Requirements Prior to Start of Construction
33.040 Permit
33.041 Staking and cut sheets
33.042 Inspection
Site Preparation
33.055 Site preparation
33.056 Contaminated materials
Requirements for Issuance of Sewer Construction Permits
33.070 Property to be served by district
33.071 Insurance requirements
33.072 License and permit requirements
33.073 Bond/deposit requirements
33.074 Fees and charges
33.075 Submission of data for main sewers
33.076 Use of existing sewer lateral
33.077 Submission of data for private laterals
33.078 Private easement requirements
33.079 Encroachment permit
33.080 Minimum requirements for digital submittal
Miscellaneous Sewer Requirements
33.095 Repair or relocation of existing main sewer or appurtenances
33.096 Repair, relocation of or connection to existing private laterals
33.097 Inspection of existing lateral upon sale of property
33.098 Abandonments
33.099 Number of private laterals required
33.100 Work in paved areas
Sewer Pipe Lines
33.115 Sewer construction materials
33.116 Pipe materials
33.117 Pipe couplings
33.118 Main connections
33.119 Embedment
33.120 Fittings or couplings
Portland Cement Concrete and Mortar
33.135 Concrete
33.136 Mortar and grout
Sewer Pipe and Structure Installation
33.150 Sewer pipe installation
33.151 Splice
33.152 Manhole
33.153 Cleanout to grade (private lateral only)
33.154 Two-way cleanout to grade (private lateral only)
33.155 Test wye (private lateral only)
33.156 Sewer through casing
33.157 Private sewer through bore
33.158 Rehabilitation of private sewers using pipe bursting
33.159 Equipment
33.160 Rehabilitation of private sewers using cured in place pipe (CIPP) lining
33.175 Definition of excavation
33.176 Open trenching
Trench Backfilling
33.190 Trench backfilling
33.191 Pipe foundation (if required by Engineer)
33.192 Geotextile filter fabric
33.193 Pipe embedment
33.194 Trench backfill material
Pavement Replacement
33.205 Definition
33.206 Paving in public rights-of-way or public utility easement
33.207 Paving in CAWD easements and in private property
33.208 All weather access
33.220 Testing main sewers
33.221 Testing private sewer laterals
33.222 Testing private pressure sewers
33.223 Manhole vacuum testing
33.224 Order of work
Television Inspection
33.235 Television inspection
33.250 Cleaning
33.251 Discharge of cleaning water
Site Cleanup
33.265 Site cleanup
Miscellaneous Requirements
33.280 Inspection
33.281 Alterations
33.282 Defective work and/or materials
33.283 Manhole protection
33.284 Private (street) lateral marking
33.285 Tracer wire and marker tape
33.286 Manhole marking
33.287 Repair of damaged sewers and other utilities
33.288 Abandonments
33.289 Commercial grease and oil collection systems
33.290 Outdoor sink requirements
33.291 Trash enclosure drain requirements
33.292 Car wash and vehicle service facilities
33.293 Outdoor pool and spa requirements
33.294 Winterizing sanitary sewer system during construction
33.295 Storm drainage
Approval and Acceptance of Construction
33.310 Main sewers
33.311 Construction and rehabilitation/replacement of private laterals
33.312 Private sewer lateral
33.313 Payment
Design and Policy Standards for Main Sewers
33.325 Pipe materials
33.326 Pipe material changes
33.327 Size and slope
33.328 Main sizing criteria
33.329 Alignment
33.330 Cross connection
33.331 Grade
33.332 Grade stakes
33.333 Design depth
33.334 Minimum pipe cover
33.335 Trench intersections
33.336 Horizontal and vertical clearance requirements
33.337 Water main separation
33.338 Crossing storm drains
33.339 Structure locations
33.340 Main locations
33.341 Invert elevations at manholes
33.342 Maximum deflection at manholes
33.343 Manhole rim elevation
33.344 Connection to existing manhole
33.345 Connections between main sewers
33.346 Drop manholes
33.347 Bolt down manhole covers
33.348 Easement all weather access requirements
33.349 Easement access requirements
33.350 Extent of sewer main improvements
33.351 Connections to existing main or new main
Design and Policy Standards for Private Laterals
33.365 Size and slope
33.366 Pipe materials
33.367 Alignment
33.368 Grade
33.369 Grade stakes
33.370 Curb marking
33.371 Connection to existing private sewer
33.372 Connection to building drain (plumbing kick out)
33.373 Clearances
33.374 Sewer under or near structures
33.375 Minimum pipe cover
33.376 Trench intersections
33.377 Horizontal utility clearance
33.378 Structure type and location
33.379 Overflow devices
33.380 Number of private sewers required
33.381 Private pumping stations
33.382 New utilities crossing existing sewer mains and private laterals
Design and Policy Standards for Private Mains
33.395 General
Pump Stations
33.410 Pump stations
33.411 Packaged pump stations
33.412 Private pump stations
Appendix A: Standard Plans