(A)   Main sewers. A registered civil engineer or land surveyor engaged by the developer will be responsible for setting stakes and preparing cut sheets.
   (B)   Private laterals.
      (1)   A registered civil engineer or land surveyor engaged by the developer shall be responsible for setting stakes and preparing cut sheets for all “townhouse” type projects and any other residential, commercial or industrial developments that, in the opinion of the engineer, requires control of sewer grade and alignment due to slopes, other utilities, circuitous routing and/or other site conditions.
      (2)   When such staking and cut sheets are required, they will be so indicated on the plans by the engineer, prior to approval of plans. Once stakes have been set, a field check must be made by the developer’s engineer to verify the accuracy of placement of the stakes.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 4-25-2019)