The following abbreviations are used in this chapter:
(A) ANSI - American National Standards Institute;
(B) ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials;
(C) AWWA - American Water Works Association;
(D) DWG - Standard AutoCAD drawing file format;
(E) DXF - Digital exchange format (AutoCAD);
(F) GIS - Geographic Information System;
(G) NAD83 - North American Datum 1983 used for horizontal ground control;
(H) NAVD88 - North American Vertical Datum 1988 used for vertical ground control;
(I) NGVD 29 - National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929;
(J) SRV - Sewer relief valve;
(K) UPC - Uniform Plumbing Code;
(L) NPSHa - Net positive suction head; and
(M) NPSHr - Net positive suction head required.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 4-25-2019)