(A)   The “Sanitary Sewer Standard Plans and Specifications” shall govern sewer design and construction work by private individuals, public agencies and businesses within the Carmel Area Wastewater District (“CAWD”) service area, including the city and portions of the county. Provisions of the latest version of the Uniform Plumbing Code (“UPC”), the California Plumbing Code and the latest version of the Greenbook (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction), not in conflict with these specifications shall be considered a part of these specifications. All plans, profiles, cut sheets, easement documents and specifications shall conform to these specifications.
   (B)   The purpose of these standard plans and specifications is to provide minimum standards for the design, construction, repair and alterations of sanitary sewer systems within the District. These specifications and details establish minimum acceptable design and construction criteria. More stringent requirements may be imposed by the District Engineer based on specific project conditions. Any items that are not included in these specifications and details shall be designed and constructed as required by the District Engineer.
   (C)   Proposals for construction that conflict with these specifications shall be submitted, in writing, with substantiating calculations and/or studies for consideration by the District Engineer.
   (D)   Special provisions, specifications addenda and/or notes on the plans shall be provided when deemed necessary and shall be considered as part of the specifications for the work. Any addenda to these specifications will require Board action and will be posted and made available to the public and contractors at the District office. Users of this text are urged to review the latest index so posted to apprise themselves of changes put into effect. Current versions of these standards and details are available online at the District’s website (www.cawd.org).
   (E)   In cases of conflict, only special provisions for District-designed projects, notes pertaining to sanitary sewer systems on drawings and plans approved for construction by the District or the requirements of other jurisdictional authority, when more stringent shall govern over these specifications. Where any section, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or other requirements of these specifications is modified, deleted or additions are made thereto by the requirements and conditions shown or set forth in such aforesaid special provisions or District-approved plans, the unaltered provisions of that section, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or drawing of these specifications shall be considered to remain in effect.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 4-25-2019)