(A)   Outdoor sinks on residential parcels.
      (1)   (a)   Option 1: cover outdoor sink (when not in use) with a device that will not allow rainwater to enter into the sewer system. The cover shall be permanently attached to the sink or counter top. (This method also reduces the likelihood of rodents entering the sewer lateral.)
         (b)   Note: outdoor floor drains will not be allowed to connect to sanitary sewer for this option.
      (2)   Option 2:
         (a)   Install a permanent roof structure over the sink (kitchen) area. The roof shall be solid and extend past any open sides a distance equal to one-half the height of the opening (i.e., if the distance from the countertop with sink to the roof is four feet, the overhang is required to extend two feet past the wall);
         (b)   For floor drains, on the open side, a grade break line shall be constructed at the inside edge of the wall with the slab sloping to prevent rainwater from entering the drain; and
         (c)   For floor drains, the ground shall be sloped away from the structure on all other sides.
   (B)   Outdoor sinks on commercial parcels.
      (1)   Install a permanent roof structure over the sink (kitchen) area. The roof shall be solid and extend past any open sides a distance equal to one-half the height of the opening (i.e., if the distance from the countertop with sink to the roof is four feet, the overhang is required to extend two feet past the wall).
      (2)   For floor drains, on the open side, a grade break line shall be constructed at the inside edge of the wall with the slab sloping inwards on the inside of the structure and away from the structure on the outside in order to prevent precipitation from entering the floor drains.
      (3)   For floor drains, the ground shall be sloped away from the structure on all other sides.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 4-25-2019)