Use of Septic Tanks and Cesspools
32.001 Septic tanks already installed can be used
32.002 Connecting to sewer if septic tank fails
32.003 Existing agreements
32.004 Cesspools prohibited
32.005 Sewage transportation
Installation of Collecting Sewer Lines
32.020 Definition
32.021 Application required
32.022 Submission of application
32.023 Requirements specified by the Board
32.024 Bond for opening highway
32.025 Examination by District Engineer
32.026 Cash deposit
32.027 Easements furnished by owner
32.028 Detailed statement of costs
32.029 Invoking provisions
Installation of Collecting Sewer Lines by Individuals
32.040 Definition
32.041 Application required
32.042 Submission of application
32.043 Approval of application
32.044 Cash deposit required
32.045 Collecting line ownership
32.046 Collecting line requirements
32.047 Installation
32.048 Statement of the cost
32.049 Determining amount of laterals
32.050 Refunds
32.051 Bond for opening of any highway
32.052 Special connection charges
Wye Connections
32.065 Definitions
32.066 Application
32.067 Application requirements
32.068 Designating plumber; notice
32.069 Check
32.070 Inspection fee and costs
Duties During Wye Connection Installation
32.085 Plumber responsibilities
32.086 Connection of the lateral
32.087 Lateral with smaller outside diameter
32.088 Employee to be present
32.089 Appointing inspector
Lateral Sewers
32.100 Definitions
32.101 Application for installation of sewer
32.102 Application requirements
32.103 Designation of plumber with application
32.104 Inspection fee and costs
32.105 Installation of lateral sewer
32.106 Tapping
32.107 Bond and permit for street opening
32.108 Liability insurance
32.109 Workers’ compensation insurance
32.110 Proof of insurance
32.111 Warrant and guarantee
32.112 Inspection required
32.113 Responsibility for maintenance
32.114 Reporting stoppages
32.115 Power tools prohibited
32.116 Appointing official agent
Installation of Sewers in the District or Public Utility Easements
32.130 Application
32.131 Application requirements
32.132 Period for application
32.133 Deposit with application
32.134 Actual cost of work
32.135 Insufficient deposit
32.999 Penalty
Whenever any septic tank ceases to function properly, as determined by the county health authorities, the property owner involved shall connect the house sewer to the District collecting system within 30 days after receiving notice to connect to the sanitary district system.
(Ord. 1970-50, passed 3-10-1970) Penalty, see § 32.999