(A)   (1)   Car wash facilities shall include a sand and oil separator and a metered water source (separate meter from the remainder of the site).
      (2)   Car wash facilities shall be permanently covered, and the area around the building shall be graded away from the car wash slab.
      (3)   Permanent awnings shall be placed over the open sides of the car wash and shall extend a distance equal to one-half the height of the opening.
      (4)   A plan meeting the above requirements and showing how the car wash will be connected to the sanitary sewer system shall be submitted to the District for approval.
      (5)   Vehicle service stations, garages, public works yards and school transportation yards shall be required to install a gravity separating device designed to prevent the discharge of sand, silt, oil and grease to the District’s sewage system.
   (B)   All new and existing laundries and dry cleaners, or similar establishments, shall install a gravity separating device of a size and design approved by the District Engineer. They shall also install any other pretreatment facility required by the District Engineer to ensure their compliance with all requirements and specifications of this chapter.
   (C)   Establishments in existence prior to this date shall install an appropriate pretreatment system, if, in the opinion of the District Engineer, the system is warranted.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 4-25-2019)