(A)   Where laterals are smaller than the existing sewer main, a PVC SDR 26 or C900 tee-branch saddle fitting “Inserta Tee”, “Tap Tite” or equal shall be used to connect to existing main. The saddle fitting shall be fabricated of material approved by the Engineer and with a flange that will prevent the saddle from entering the main sewer beyond its inside surface. The flange shall have a curvature designed for the size main on which it is to be used. The saddle shall create an airtight connection and, at the option of the Engineer, may require air testing.
   (B)   When connecting to a new main (SDR26), use a PVC SDR 26 wye or C900 wye shall be used.
   (C)   When connecting to an existing main that has been rehabilitated by HDPE pipe bursting, an “Inserta Tee” or equal shall be used.
   (D)   Where a lateral is the same size as the main, the connection shall be made at a manhole.
   (E)   When connecting to an existing trunk main (18 inches and larger), the connection shall be made at a manhole.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 4-25-2019)