Chapter 2.124
Article I. In General
2.124.010   Legislative intent.
2.124.020   General definitions.
2.124.030   Persons included in retirement system membership.
2.124.040   Persons excluded from membership.
2.124.050   Members subject to provisions of chapter, etc.
2.124.060   Payments to surviving spouse of retired, etc., person.
2.124.070   Existing pensions continued.
2.124.080   When benefits payable.
2.124.090   Compensation of city resident members of the board and commission.
2.124.100   Maximum retirement benefit.
2.124.110   Termination of the retirement system.
2.124.120   Interest rate-Mortality table.
Article II. Membership Under Former (1970) Charter Section 173
2.124.130   General provisions and specific definitions.
2.124.140   Age for retirement.
2.124.150   Retirement for industrial disability.
2.124.160   Retirement for ordinary disability.
2.124.170   Ordinary death benefits.
2.124.180   Industrial death benefits.
2.124.190   Lump sum death benefits.
2.124.200   Member contributions-Generally.
2.124.210   Member contributions-Credited.
2.124.220   Optional membership under Articles II or III of this chapter.
2.124.230   Reduction by workers' compensation benefits.
2.124.240   Employment after retirement.
2.124.250   Optional continuation allowance for surviving spouse.
Article III. Miscellaneous Membership Under Former (1970) Charter Section 175.1
2.124.260   Generally.
2.124.270   Retirement for service.
2.124.280   Minimum service retirement benefit.
2.124.290   Retirement for disability.
2.124.300   Procedure to initiate disability retirement.
2.124.310   Modification of benefits due to payments under workers' compensation prohibited.
2.124.320   Death benefits.
2.124.330   Member qualified for service retirement.
2.124.340   Cessation of employment and deferred retirement.
2.124.350   Computation of time and service.
2.124.360   Sources from which payments to be made.
2.124.370   Vested rights of members after requisite number of years.
2.124.380   Employment after retirement.
Article IV. Safety Members Under Former (1970) Charter Section 175.13
2.124.390   General provisions.
2.124.400   Retirement for service.
2.124.410   Retirement for disability.
2.124.420   Procedure to initiate disability retirement.
2.124.430   Death allowances.
2.124.440   Continuation of benefits after death of retired member.
2.124.450   Reduction by certain workers' compensation benefits.
2.124.460   Death benefit upon death in service, etc., when death not compensable under Section 2.124.420.
2.124.470   Cessation of employment and deferred retirement.
2.124.480   Computation of time and service.
2.124.490   Sources from which payments to be made.
2.124.500   Vested rights of members after requisite number of years.
2.124.510   Employment after retirement.
2.124.520   Optional continuation allowance for surviving spouse.
Article V. Equal Shares Members Under Former (1976) Charter Sections 302 et seq.
2.124.530   General provisions.
2.124.540   Option to join Section 399 plan.
2.124.550   Age of voluntary and mandatory retirement for service by safety members.
2.124.560   Service retirement benefits for safety members.
2.124.570   Age of voluntary and mandatory retirement for service by miscellaneous members.
2.124.580   Service retirement benefits for miscellaneous members.
2.124.590   Maximum service retirement allowance.
2.124.600   Exemptions from mandatory retirement age.
2.124.610   Retirement for industrial disability.
2.124.620   Industrial disability retirement benefits.
2.124.630   Retirement for ordinary disability.
2.124.640   Ordinary disability retirement benefits for safety members.
2.124.650   Ordinary disability retirement benefits for miscellaneous members.
2.124.660   Procedures to initiate disability retirement and time to initiate.
2.124.670   Transfer, reassignment, etc., to other employment in lieu of disability retirement.
2.124.680   Employment by city after retirement.
2.124.690   Employment after disability retirement.
2.124.700   Determination of continuance of disability.
2.124.710   Refusal to submit to medical examination.
2.124.720   Medical service and advice.
2.124.730   Reentry into city service-Election into Section 399 plan.
2.124.740   Cancellation of retirement allowance for other than reentry into city service.
2.124.750   Reduction by certain workers' compensation benefits.
2.124.760   Industrial death allowances.
2.124.770   Continuation of benefits after death of retired member.
2.124.780   Death benefit upon death in service, etc., when death not compensable under Sections 2.124.760 and 2.124.770.
2.124.790   Death benefit after retirement.
2.124.800   Alternative beneficiary.
2.124.810   Optional death benefit.
2.124.820   Date of marriage.
2.124.830   Dissolution or remarriage.
2.124.840   Refund of contributions upon termination of employment.
2.124.850   Election to take deferred retirement.
2.124.860   Deferred service retirement.
2.124.870   Deferred disability retirement.
2.124.880   Continuation of benefits after death of member retired under Section 2.124.850.
2.124.890   Death benefits when death not compensable under Section 2.124.880.
2.124.900   Service retirement benefits for members attaining mandatory retirement age and not otherwise entitled to benefits.
2.124.910   Optional allowances.
2.124.920   Equal shares funding-Legislative intent.
2.124.930   Member contributions.
2.124.940   City contributions.
2.124.950   Computation of time and service.
2.124.960   Optional continuation allowance for surviving spouse.
Article VI. Section 399 Plan
2.124.970   Section 399 plan continued.
2.124.980   Section 399 plan-Specific definitions.
2.124.990   Section 399 plan-Optional membership.
2.124.1000   Member contributions.
2.124.1010   City contributions.
2.124.1020   Computation of service.
2.124.1030   Age of voluntary retirement.
2.124.1040   Service retirement benefits for safety members.
2.124.1050   Age of voluntary retirement for service by miscellaneous members.
2.124.1060   Service retirement benefits for miscellaneous members.
2.124.1070   Maximum service retirement allowance.
2.124.1080   Retirement for industrial disability.
2.124.1090   Industrial disability retirement benefits.
2.124.1100   Retirement for ordinary disability.
2.124.1110   Ordinary disability retirement benefits for safety members.
2.124.1120   Ordinary disability retirement benefits for miscellaneous members.
2.124.1130   Procedures to initiate disability retirement.
2.124.1140   Time for filing application for disability retirement.
2.124.1150   Consideration of disability retirements.
2.124.1160   Transfer, reassignment, etc., to other employment in lieu of disability retirement.
2.124.1170   Employment by city after retirement.
2.124.1180   Employment after disability retirement.
2.124.1190   Determination of continuance of disability.
2.124.1200   Refusal to submit to medical examination.
2.124.1210   Determination that member is not incapacitated.
2.124.1220   Reentry into city service.
2.124.1230   Cancellation of retirement allowance for other than reentry into city service.
2.124.1240   Industrial death allowances.
2.124.1250   Continuation of benefits after death of retired member.
2.124.1260   Death benefit upon death in service, etc., when death not compensable under Sections 2.124.1240, 2.124.1250 and 2.124.1280.
2.124.1270   Death benefit after retirement.
2.124.1280   Alternative beneficiary.
2.124.1290   Optional death benefit.
2.124.1300   Date of marriage.
2.124.1310   Optional continuation allowance for surviving spouse.
2.124.1320   Refund of contributions upon termination of employment.
2.124.1330   Election to take deferred retirement.
2.124.1340   Deferred service retirement.
2.124.1350   Deferred disability retirement.
2.124.1360   Continuation of benefits after death of member retired under Section 2.124.1330.
2.124.1370   Death benefit upon death when death not compensable under Section 2.124.1360.
2.124.1380   Optional allowances.
2.124.1390   Worker's compensation offset.
2.124.1400   Conflicting charter provisions.
2.124.1410   Special provisions.
Article VII. Employees Transferred to County
2.124.1420   Application of article-Specific definitions.
2.124.1430   Election to retain membership.
2.124.1440   Benefits upon retirement.
2.124.1450   Cessation of employment.
2.124.1460   Death benefits of former Article II members.
2.124.1470   Death benefits of Article III members.
2.124.1480   Death benefits of Article V members.
2.124.1490   Death benefits of Section 399 members.
2.124.1500   Contributions.
2.124.1510   Withdrawals.
2.124.1520   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Applicability of Sections 2.124.1530 to 2.124.1580.
2.124.1530   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Option to elect other service retirement benefits.
2.124.1540   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Time and effect of election of option.
2.124.1550   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Computation of service retirement benefits.
2.124.1560   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Reduction of unmodified amount upon receipt of primary Social Security benefits.
2.124.1570   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Computation of benefits after death of transferred member.
2.124.1580   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Rates of contribution.
2.124.1590   Members transferred to the county prior to July 1, 1970-Intent.
Article VIII. Governmental Employees Transferred to City
2.124.1600   Generally.
2.124.1610   Contributions.
2.124.1620   Calculation of credit.
2.124.1630   Exceptions.
2.124.1640   Elections irrevocable.
2.124.1650   Death prior to payment.
2.124.1660   Retirement prior to payment.
2.124.1670   Retirement system manager-Rules and regulations.
2.124.1680   Qualifications for credit for prior public employee.
Article IX. Increase in Retirement Benefits
2.124.1690   Automatic cost of living adjustments-Generally.
2.124.1700   Automatic cost of living adjustments-Method of determination.
2.124.1710   Automatic cost of living adjustments-Accumulation of increase or decrease.
2.124.1720   Automatic cost of living adjustments-Maximum reduction.
2.124.1730   Automatic cost of living adjustments-Funding of benefits.
2.124.1740   Former (1976) Charter Section 354 benefits.
2.124.1750   Funding of increases-Members receiving benefits under former (1976) Charter Section 354.
2.124.1760   Election.
2.124.1770   Crediting of contributions.
2.124.1780   Accounting procedures.
2.124.1790   Continuance of increases in pensions granted by former Charter section.
Article X. Social Security Coverage
2.124.1800   Legislative intent.
2.124.1810   Coordination of retirement system and federal Social Security.
2.124.1820   Reduction in normal contributions.
2.124.1830   Reductions in allowances payable.
2.124.1840   Effective date of coverage under Social Security provisions.
2.124.1850   Adjustment of retirement allowances.
2.124.1860   Minimum reduced allowance.
Article XI. Collection of Members and City Contributions
2.124.1870   Members contribution rates-Established.
2.124.1880   Members contribution rates-Procedures for collection.
2.124.1890   Members contribution rates-Consent to deductions.
2.124.1900   Members contribution rates-Additional contributions.
2.124.1910   City contributions.
2.124.1920   Members normal contribution upon reentry into retirement system.
2.124.1930   Redeposit of withdrawn contributions.
2.124.1940   Transfer of city contributions.
Article XII. Administration, Investment and Fiscal Management Board
2.124.1950   Power and duties-Generally.
2.124.1960   Accounting.
2.124.1970   Actuarial evaluations.
Article XIII. Retirement System Manager
2.124.1980   Retirement system manager-General.
2.124.1990   Applications for retirement.
2.124.2000   Incomplete application.
2.124.2010   Medical examination for determining disability retirement.
2.124.2020   Time for applying for disability retirement.
2.124.2030   Reapplication for disability retirement-New evidence.
2.124.2040   Change from ordinary to industrial disability retirement-New evidence.
2.124.2050   Time for applying for deferred disability retirement.
2.124.2060   Opportunity to present supporting data and information.
2.124.2070   Retirement system manager's records.
2.124.2080   Retirement system manager's action on application service retirement or death benefits.
2.124.2090   Effective date of service retirement benefits-Death benefits.
2.124.2100   Retirement system manager's action on application-Disability retirement benefits.
2.124.2110   Effective date of disability retirement benefits.
2.124.2120   Partial allowance of disability retirement benefits.
2.124.2130   Requirement of additional medical examinations of disability retirees.
2.124.2140   Reemployment upon termination of disability.
2.124.2150   Finality of manager's determination.
2.124.2160   Definitions.
2.124.2170   Notice-Retirement system manager, hearing officer and commission.
2.124.2180   Determination of service.
2.124.2190   Determination of part-time service and compensation.
Article XIV. Retirement Hearing Commission
2.124.2200   Retirement hearing commission-Generally.
2.124.2210   Definitions.
2.124.2220   Time for filing appeal.
2.124.2230   Appellant's and respondent's statement.
2.124.2240   Discovery.
2.124.2250   Supportive and additional evidence.
2.124.2260   Time and place of hearing-Continuances.
2.124.2270   Disqualification of hearing officer.
2.124.2280   Record of oral evidence at hearing.
2.124.2290   Evidence rules-Evidence by affidavit.
2.124.2300   Proposed findings and decision-Decision by commission.
2.124.2310   Form and contents of decision-Finality of decision.
2.124.2320   Settlement of matters pending appeal.
2.124.2330   Judicial review of commission's decision-Time for filing.
2.124.2340   Oaths.
2.124.2350   Meetings-Selection of chairperson.
2.124.2360   Commission-Voting procedures.
2.124.2370   Hearings in progress as of January 1, 1977.
2.124.2380   Official notice.
2.124.2390   Service by registered mail or personal delivery.
Article XV. Optional Allowances Upon Retirement for Members Under Articles III and IV
2.124.2400   Generally.
2.124.2410   Members under Article IV.
2.124.2420   Time for exercising option.
2.124.2430   Options permitted.
Article XVI. Reciprocity
2.124.2440   Legislative intent.
2.124.2450   Reciprocal provisions.