2.124.1220   Reentry into city service.
   If under the provisions of Section 2.124.1210 of this chapter, a member of this plan who is retired for disability is determined by the retirement system manager to be no longer incapacitated and reenters the service of the city, his or her disability retirement allowance shall cease immediately upon such reentry. Upon reentry into city service such member shall be a member of this plan, and his or her age at the time of his original entry into the system shall be the age upon which his or her rate of contribution upon reentry is computed, and shall receive credit for his or her aggregate service as it existed at the time of his or her disability retirement. The city council may provide by ordinance that any person who reenters city service pursuant to former (1976) Charter Section 326 may elect to become a member of this plan. Such ordinance shall generally provide for a procedure similar to Section 2.124.990 of this chapter. (Prior code § 34.06.625)