2.124.020   General definitions.
   The following words and phrases as used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context or by a definition provided in a specific article shall have the following meaning:
   "Accumulated normal contributions" or "accumulated contributions" means the contributions made by a member, standing to the credit of his or her individual account, together with interest thereon, credited as determined by the board. Accumulated contributions shall not include additional contributions.
   "Actuarial equivalent" means the present value of any benefit provided under this system, measured as of any specified date to determine the equivalence in value between two or more methods of payment. The factors used to determine the actuarial value are based on an interest rate and the mortality table as described in Section 2.124.120 of this chapter.
   "Additional contributions" means contributions voluntarily made by a member as provided for in Section 2.124.1900 of this chapter.
   "Allowance" means any benefit payable in periodic payments, consisting of an annuity and a pension.
   "Annuity" means payments for life or years derived from a member's accumulated contributions.
   "Beneficiary" means any person in receipt of a benefit from the retirement system.
   "Benefit" means and includes "allowance," "retirement allowance," "disability retirement allowance" and "death benefit."
   "Board" means the administration, investment and fiscal management board as referred to and created in Section 381 of the Charter.
   "Charter" means the Charter of the city of Sacramento.
   "Commission" means the retirement hearing commission as referred to and created in Section 388 of the Charter.
   "Compensation," as distinguished from benefits under Division 4 of the Labor Code of the state of California, means the remuneration payable in cash by the city plus the monetary value, as determined by the retirement system manager, for board, lodging, fuel, laundry and other advantages allowed as remuneration by the city, but excluding remuneration paid for overtime. For the purpose of members under Articles III, IV, V and VI of this chapter, overtime is the aggregate service performed in all categories of employment in excess of the hours of work considered normal for employees on a full-time basis and for which monetary compensation is paid, and also for the purpose of the retirement system, compensation paid to such members under Charter Section 107 in lieu of vacation, or compensation so paid under Charter Section 108 as longevity pay, or compensation so paid in lieu of accumulated sick leave, shall be considered as remuneration paid for overtime.
   "Compensation earnable" means the compensation as determined by the retirement system manager, which would have been earned by the member had he or she worked, throughout the period under consideration, the average number of days ordinarily worked by persons in the same grade or class of positions as the positions held by him or her during such period and at the rate of pay attached to such positions. The computation for any absence of a member shall be based on the compensation earnable by him or her at the beginning of the absence and that for time prior to entering the service of the city shall be based on the compensation earnable by him or her in the position first held by him or her in such service.
   "Continuous service" means uninterrupted city service, except that discontinuance of city service by a member from any cause whatever followed by reentrance into city service within three years from the date of such discontinuance shall not be considered as a break in the continuity of service, and except that any absence from city service by reason of service in the military service shall not be considered as a break in the continuity of service. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, city service rendered before January 1, 1921 shall for all purposes be considered "continuous service" regardless of the length of absence from city service prior to such date.
   "Council" or "city council" means the council of the city of Sacramento.
   "Current service" means city service rendered as a member of the retirement system after April 1, 1935.
   "Effective date of this chapter" means January 1, 1977.
   "Employee" means any person in the employ, either as an officer or employee, of the city whose compensation is paid out of funds directly controlled by the city.
   "Final compensation" means the highest average annual compensation earnable by a member during any period of three consecutive years during his or her membership in the system, or if his or her membership is of a lesser period, it shall mean the average annual compensation earnable by the member during such period. For the purposes of this chapter, periods of service separated by breaks in service may be aggregated to constitute a period of three consecutive years, if the periods of service are consecutive except for such breaks. If a break in service did not exceed six months in duration, time included in the break and compensation earnable during such time shall be included in computation of final compensation. If a break in service exceeded six months in duration, the first six months thereof and the compensation earnable during those six months shall be included in computation of final compensation, but time, included in the break which is in excess of six months and the compensation earnable during such excess time, shall be excluded in computation of final compensation.
   "Former Charter section" means a section of the Charter as such section read on the date immediately preceding the date on which said section was repealed. The use of the term "(1970)," "(1976)," "(1979)," or "(1989)" in conjunction with these words indicates the year of repeal.
   "Interest" means interest compounded annually at the rate adopted by the board.
   "Manager" means the retirement system manager appointed pursuant to Charter Section 391.
   "Member" means any person included in the membership of the retirement system as provided in Section 2.124.030 of this chapter.
   "Military service" means absence from city service by any member who, while so absent, is engaged in any activity or activities which would legally entitle such member to be reinstated in city service after having been so engaged, as provided by Section 395.1 of the Military and Veterans Code of the state of California as that section is currently enacted or as it may hereafter be amended.
   "Miscellaneous member" or "miscellaneous officer" or "miscellaneous employee" means any officer or employee who is a member of the retirement system and is not a safety member as defined in this section.
   "Normal contributions" means member contributions at the rates provided for in Articles II, III, IV, V and VI of this chapter and Article XVII of the City Charter.
   Part-Time Basis and Part-Time City Service. A member is serving on a "part-time basis" and is rendering "part-time city service" when he or she engages in his or her duties for less time than is required of members serving on a full-time basis, even though he or she is subject to call at any time.
   "Pension" means payments for life or years derived from contributions made by the city.
   "Prior service," as applied to members of the retirement system, means city service rendered before April 1, 1935.
   "Retirement" means cessation of employment with the city with a retirement allowance granted under the provisions of the charter and this chapter.
   "Retirement allowance" or "allowance" means any benefit payable in periodic payments consisting of a pension and an annuity.
   "Retirement system" or "system" means the Sacramento city employees' retirement system referred to in former (1989) Charter Sections 372 and 374, and Charter Sections 372 and 374.
   "Safety member" means a member whose employment is, or was, as an officer or employee of the police or the fire departments of the city, whose principal duties consist of either active law enforcement or full-time fire fighting and fire prevention, respectively. Safety member does not include those persons employed in duties of a clerical, communication, identification, repair, or other nature even though such persons may be subject to occasional call, or are occasionally called upon to perform duties within the scope of active law enforcement or full-time fire fighting and fire prevention.
   "Surviving spouse" means the widow of a male member or the widower of a female member.
   "Widow" and "surviving wife" each mean the surviving lawful wife of a male member or the surviving lawful husband of a female member.
   Words used in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders and singular numbers shall include the plural and the plural the singular. (Prior code § 34.01.101)