2.124.2140   Reemployment upon termination of disability.
   If the retirement system manager finds, after considering medical advice, that a member retired on a disability retirement is not physically or mentally incapacitated for service in the office or department of the city where he or she was employed and in the position held by him or her when retired for disability, he or she shall be eligible for reemployment in the city service and his or her retirement allowance shall be cancelled forthwith upon reemployment in his or her former position or its present equivalent. If a retired member eligible for reemployment fails or refuses to reenter city employment within thirty (30) days of the date when reemployment is made available to him or her, his or her retirement allowance shall be permanently cancelled, provided that the filing of an appeal from the manager's determination prior to its effective date shall stay the cancellation of benefits until the resolution of the appeal, but in no event longer than one hundred eighty (180) days.
   Should any member who is under the age of voluntary retirement and retired for disability fail or refuse to submit to medical examination, payment of his or her retirement allowance shall be discontinued until his or her withdrawal of such failure or refusal, or until the member reaches the age of voluntary retirement, whichever shall first occur, unless it is determined that just cause exists for said failure or refusal. (Prior code § 34.13.1310A)