2.124.2180   Determination of service.
   Subject to the provisions of Sections 2.124.350, 2.124.480 and 2.124.950 of this chapter and former (1989) Charter Section 406, the retirement system manager shall determine the city service rendered by members of the system, and shall fix and may modify allowances for service and disability and fix other benefits. One year and proportionate parts thereof shall be credited on the basis of two hundred thirty (230) or more days of city service rendered by per diem employees, and on the basis of ten (10) months or more of city service rendered by monthly employees, but not more than one year shall be credited for all service in any fiscal year. Time during which a member was or shall be absent from city service without pay shall not be allowed in computing service except as provided in the definition of "continuous service" contained in Section 2.124.020 of this chapter.
   Fractions of years of city service shall be added together to make completed years and fractions thereof. The prior service, plus the current service credited to a member, shall be the total city service with which he or she is entitled to be credited.
   However, prior service and current service so credited shall be the basis for a retirement allowance or benefit as provided in this chapter only if membership continues unbroken until retirement on a retirement allowance or until the granting of such other benefit, provided that a termination of membership by the withdrawal of accumulated contributions followed by the redeposit of such contributions upon reentrance into city service shall not constitute a break in membership. Time during which a member is excused from performance of his or her duties, whether or not he or she is required to perform any portion of such duties during such time, and for which he or she receives compensation shall be credited as city service in the proportion that the compensation paid to the member bears to the full compensation which would have been earnable by him or her while performing his or her duties on a full-time basis.
   If it shall be impracticable for the retirement system manager to determine from the records the length of service, the compensation, or the age of any member, the manager may estimate, for the purpose of this chapter, such length of service, compensation or age. (Prior code § 34.13.1314)