2.124.950   Computation of time and service.
   The following time and service shall be included in the computation of the service to be credited to a member of this plan for the purpose of determining whether such member qualifies for retirement and of calculating benefits, but only if withdrawn accumulated normal contributions based on such time and service, have been or are redeposited in the retirement system:
   A.   Time during which such member is a member of the retirement system and during for which such member is entitled to receive compensation because of service as an employee of the city.
   B.   Service as a safety member shall be credited upon a change in service category of such a member which causes him or her to become a miscellaneous member; provided, that the accumulated normal contributions standing to the credit of such member, including amounts redeposited by him or her, shall be adjusted by refund to the member or by payment by the member to bring the amount of such accumulated contributions to the amount which would have been credited to him or her had the member been a miscellaneous member throughout the period of his or her service as a safety member at the compensation he or she received as such a safety member. For all purposes thereafter, and so long as he or she remains in such category, the member shall be a miscellaneous member.
   C.   Service as a miscellaneous member shall be credited upon a change in service category of such member which causes him or her to become a safety member; provided that the accumulated normal contributions standing to the credit of such member, including amounts redeposited by him or her, shall be adjusted by refund to the member or by the payment by the member to bring the amount of such accumulated contributions to the amount which would have been credited to him or her had the member been a safety member throughout the period of his or her service as a miscellaneous member at the compensation he or she received as a miscellaneous member. For all purposes thereafter, and so long as he or she remains in such category, the member shall be a safety member.
   D.   Time during which such member is absent in military service from employment making him or her a member of this plan; provided however, that such member shall be entitled to receive credit for such time as service for the city only in the event contributions are made by or for him or her for such service credit, as provided by the council.
   E.   Service prior to April 1, 1935, determined and credited as prescribed by the council for other members of the system.
   F.   Any service outside the limits of the city performed by a member of the system and authorized within the member's scope of employment or under the orders of a supervisor or managing superior of such member who was employed by the city at the time of such service, shall be considered as city service, and any injury, disability or death incurred in the performance of such service shall be covered under the provisions of this chapter and former (1976) Charter Section 167, or Article XVII of the City Charter. (Prior code § 34.05.544)