2.124.1350   Deferred disability retirement.
   A member of this plan whose membership continues under Section 2.124.1330 of this chapter and who becomes disabled by reason of a bodily injury or physical or mental illness may retire for disability. If said member is qualified for voluntary service retirement, he or she shall receive a disability retirement allowance of an amount equal to the deferred service retirement he or she would have received if he or she had elected to retire from service on the date when he or she is ordered retired for disability. If said member is not qualified for voluntary service retirement, then such member shall receive a disability retirement allowance equal to one and one-half percent of final compensation multiplied by the number of years of service of such member; provided, however, that in no event shall said disability retirement allowance exceed the service retirement allowance to which said member would be entitled if said member had retired at age fifty (50). In the event the retirement system manager finds prior to the member's qualification for voluntary service retirement that such member is no longer incapacitated, the allowance provided in this section shall be cancelled. The rights of the member thereafter shall be those provided under Section 2.124.1230 of this chapter. (Prior code § 34.06.638)