2.124.2010   Medical examination for determining disability retirement.
   If ordered to do so by the retirement system manager, any person on whose behalf an application for disability retirement has been filed shall present himself or herself for examinations and be examined by one or more physicians appointed by the retirement system manager to make such examination for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of the alleged disability, injury or illness. All reports and recommendations received from physicians shall be in writing and shall be received and considered by the retirement system manager in acting upon the application for disability retirement. Upon receipt, the manager shall forthwith furnish copies of such reports to the applicant or the member. If the member should refuse or fail to appear for a medical examination, the application for disability retirement shall be deemed withdrawn, unless the application was filed by any person other than the member or unless it is determined that just cause exists for said failure or refusal.
   In the event that the place of medical examination is outside of the county, the person appearing for said examination shall be reimbursed by the city for his or her reasonable expenses from his or her home to and from the place of examination. The rate of reimbursement shall be determined by the retirement system manager in accordance with rates of reimbursement provided for employees of the city traveling on official city business. If the medical examination is scheduled at a place outside of the county at the request of and for the convenience of the member being examined, the member shall not be entitled to travel reimbursement. (Prior code § 34.13.1303)