2.124.170   Ordinary death benefits.
   Upon the death of any member who has been retired or who, at the time of death was eligible for service retirement under the provisions of this article, leaving a surviving spouse; provided, he or she was the spouse of such member at the time of the member's retirement, he or she shall receive an allowance equal to two-thirds of the allowance received by such member or to which the member was eligible at the time of death or if the member had rendered at least twenty (20) years of service to the city, he or she shall receive an allowance equal to one-third the average monthly salary paid to the member one year prior to death; or if such surviving spouse dies or if the member leaves no surviving spouse and either the member or the member's spouse leave a child or children under the age of eighteen (18) years, such amount shall be paid to such child or children in equal shares while under the age of eighteen (18) years; provided, however, that if such surviving spouse or child or children shall marry, then such person so marrying shall thereafter receive no further allowance; and provided further, that if such deceased person leaves neither surviving spouse, nor child or children under the age of eight-een (18) years, but leaves a parent or parents dependent solely or partially upon him or her for support, an allowance shall be paid to the parent or parents during such time and in such amount as the retirement system manager may determine its necessity, but not to exceed two-thirds of the allowance received by such person or to which he or she was eligible at the time of his or her death. (Prior code § 34.02.204)