General Provisions
39.01 Application of chapter
39.02 Equal opportunity employer
39.03 Administration of the plan
39.04 Appointments
39.05 Status of present employees
39.06 Announcement of vacancies
39.07 Applications
39.08 Determination of appointments
39.09 Orientation
39.10 Probation
39.11 Wage and hour laws
39.12 Outside employment
39.13 Demotion
39.14 Suspension
39.15 Separation
39.16 Dismissal
39.17 Resignation
39.18 Layoff
39.19 Reinstatement
39.20 Employment of relatives
39.21 Pay periods
39.22 Holidays
39.23 Vacation
39.24 Sick leave
39.25 Personal days
39.26 Bereavement leave
39.27 Special leave
39.28 Military leave
39.29 Court leave
39.30 Disability leave
39.31 Fringe benefits
39.32 Voting leave
39.33 Personnel records
39.34 Political activity
39.35 Grievance procedure
39.36 Expense reimbursement
39.37 Transportation of unauthorized persons
39.38 Unauthorized persons in city vehicles
39.39 Accidents involving city vehicles
39.40 Purchase orders
39.41 Educational assistance
39.42 Inclement weather
39.43 Classification plan
39.44 Compensation plan
Job Classifications
39.60 Animal Control Warden
39.61 Police Chief; Assistant Police Chief
39.62 Police Officer
39.63 Public Works
39.64 City Clerk/Treasurer
39.65 City Treasurer
39.65A Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer
39.66 Recreational Coordinator
39.67 Dog Warden
39.68 Custodian
39.69 Wage scale
The following personnel policies and procedures here have been adopted by the City Council and are applicable to all persons appointed to positions at all levels in the city government, with the exception of the following:
(A) All elected officials;
(B) All members of boards and commissions of the city;
(C) Attorney for the city;
(D) Consultants, advisors and counsel rendering temporary professional services; and
(E) Independent contractors.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)
(A) Pursuant to KRS 83A.130, the Mayor shall supervise the conduct of all city departments and employees. The Mayor shall promulgate procedures to "insure orderly administration of the functions of city government," subject to the disapproval of the Council.
(B) The text of the personnel plan may be changed by ordinance amendment only. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall perform the functions of personnel officer for the city.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)