(A) In the event of occurrence of weather conditions in which travel to and from work may jeopardize the safety of employees, city offices may be closed at the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. Employees will be notified of this action in an appropriate manner.
(B) Where individual circumstances exist, such as longer than average distance of travel to and from the work place, the employee must notify his or her supervisor, and may exercise his or her own judgment in not reporting for work. If city offices are not subsequently closed, this time off will be charged against annual leave or leave without pay at the employee's discretion.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)
(A) Allocations. In the classification plan authorized by this personnel policy, each permanent position shall be assigned to an appropriate class on the basis of the duties and responsibilities of the position.
(B) Written specifications.
(1) Each class shall have a specification that includes:
(a) A concise, descriptive title;
(b) A description of duties and responsibilities of the class; and
(c) A statement of minimum qualifications for the position.
(2) All positions in a class shall be sufficiently alike to permit:
(a) The use of a single descriptive title;
(b) A description of each of the duties in the class;
(c) The same qualifications for each position;
(d) The use of the same tests of competence for each position;
(e) Application of the same pay range to each position.
(C) Reclassification.
(1) The department head shall recommend reclassification of a position after its duties and responsibilities change materially and it is no longer comparable with other positions in the class.
(2) Whenever the duties of a position so change that no appropriate class for it exists, the department head shall prepare an appropriate class specification for the position and recommend the position be assigned to the class.
(3) Reclassification of a position may not be used to avoid a restriction concerning demotion, promotion or compensation.
(4) When creating a new class, the format of existing specifications shall be maintained, including all required sections.
(D) Categories of employment.
(1) All employees of the city shall be classified full-time, part-time, temporary or seasonal, or assigned. The definition of each is as follows:
(a) Full-time employee. An employee who works forty (40) hours or more per week on a regularly scheduled basis.
(b) Part-time employee. An employee who is scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week and may be of a temporary nature.
(c) Temporary or seasonable employee. An employee who works in a position which is of a temporary nature.
(d) Assigned employee. An employee made available to the city by another agency.
(2) Only full-time or part-time employees may occupy permanent positions.
(3) Full-time employees in permanent positions shall be entitled to all benefits provided by the city. All other employees shall not be entitled to any benefits (except the benefits required by federal or state law and as specified in this chapter.)
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)
(A) Pay plan. A pay plan prepared pursuant to the personnel policies shall prescribe for each class a minimum or maximum rate of pay, and all employees shall be compensated at a rate no less than the minimum amount and no more than the maximum amount of the pay range assigned to the class.
(B) Pay adjustments. Subject to the availability of funds and the financial ability of the city, the annual budget may include salary increases effective July 1 for the budget year. However, the Mayor, when the circumstances warrant, may authorize individual adjustments, subject to availability of revenues and the current budget.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)
Wage scale, § 39.69