§ 39.24 SICK LEAVE.
   (A)   Sick leave is provided so that an employee will not be seriously handicapped financially if he or she is unable to work because of illness. Sick leave abuse may be cause for dismissal.
   (B)   All regular full-time employees shall be granted one-half working day (four (4) hours), sick leave credit with pay for each completed calendar month of continuous service. If discharged, no sick pay will be paid. Up to forty-five (45) days (360 hours) of sick leave may be carried over to the following year.
   (C)   An employee on sick leave shall inform his or her department head of the fact as soon as possible.
   (D)   Absence for a part of a day that is chargeable to sick leave shall be charged proportionally in an amount not smaller than one hour.
   (E)   The City Clerk/Treasurer shall keep record of sick leave allowance, sick leave taken, and balance of sick leave allowance for individual employees.
   (F)   Absences on account of sickness, injury disability in excess of that authorized for such purposes may, at the request of the employee, be charged to vacation leave.
   (G)   Sick leave exceeding three (3) working days will require a doctor's statement.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)