(A)   The hours of work of all city employees and the compensation paid for work performed shall fully comply with the federal and state wage and hour laws and shall be in compliance with the classification and pay scale of this chapter.
   (B)   An employee whose duties require an irregular work schedule shall work according to the schedule established by the department head or the Mayor.
   (C)   If an employee is unable to report for work, the department head or supervisor shall be notified promptly, if possible, giving the cause and probable length of absence.
   (D)   Overtime, as defined in KRS Chapter 337, shall not be scheduled on a regular basis. Overtime shall be permitted only under the following circumstances:
      (1)   Where necessary to accommodate the work schedule deemed appropriate by the Mayor;
      (2)   Where necessary to provide adequate coverage and services;
      (3)   If an emergency situation; or
      (4)   If the city is awarded a federal grant to compensate for overtime.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)
   Vacation and sick leave, see §§ 39.25 and 39.26
Statutory reference:
   Wage and hour laws, see KRS Ch. 337