§ 39.29 COURT LEAVE.
   (A)   In the event an employee is requested, on a work day, to serve on a jury, or as a witness in a case not involving the employee, he or she shall be compensated at regular pay. All employees serving on court duty shall be absent from work only during the times required by the courts, and are expected to report to work immediately upon his or her release from court. In the event he or she fails to return immediately to work he or she will forfeit his or her right to that day's pay by the city.
   (B)   Police officers required to appear in court with regard to a case in which they are officially involved shall be paid at their regular rate of pay. When court time and normal work hours exceed forty (40) hours per week, the officer shall be paid at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the regular hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a single work week.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-15-01)