Civil Service Commission
37.01 Definitions
37.02 Commission established; members
37.03 Examinations
37.04 Qualification of applicants
37.05 Present employees
37.06 Appointments; promotions
37.07 Dismissal, suspension or reduction
37.08 Action in Circuit Court
37.09 Number of employees; abolition of office or position
37.10 Prohibition of political activity
37.11 Salary of commission members
Human Rights Commission
37.20 Membership
37.21 Powers
37.22 Enforcement of orders
Joint Planning Commission
37.30 Planning unit established; levy of fees
37.31 Planning Commission established; membership
37.32 Board of Adjustment established; membership
37.33 Existing regulations ratified
Vacant Property Review Commission
37.40 State statutes adopted
37.41 Establishment; membership; duties
Code Enforcement Board
37.50 Definitions
37.51 Creation and membership
37.52 Enforcement powers
37.53 Appointment of members; term of office; removal from office; oath; compensation
37.54 Organization of Board; meetings; quorum
37.55 Conflict of interest
37.56 Powers of the Code Enforcement Board
37.57 Enforcement proceedings
37.58 Hearing; notice; and final order
37.59 Presentation of cases
37.60 Appeals; final judgement
37.61 Ordinance fine schedule
37.62 Lien; fines, charges, and fees
37.63 Lienholder notification system
37.64 Liens
37.65 Immediate action
Editor’s note: After the July 1, 2010, any individual hired as a police officer shall not receive the benefits of the provisions of this subchapter nor be required to take the civil service examination as a condition of employment. All city police officers who currently are included in the Civil Service system created by Ord. 85-8 shall continue to receive those benefits. Please refer to Ordinance No. 2010-10, passed 6-28-10.