Whenever by reason of traffic congestion or other cause, the public safety is imperiled, the convenience of the public cannot be served, and traffic regulations cannot be adequately enforced without the assistance to be secured through the installation and maintenance of parking meters, such parking meters or parking devices may be installed under and in accordance with the provisions of § 28-2.2. Notice of parking reservation and the limited parking shall be given by the Traffic Engineer by paint or distinguishing color or signs or devices of uniform character indicating the distances, place and space. No person shall park a vehicle in violation of such limitation, restriction or prohibition. The Traffic Engineer shall also provide for the erection of uniform signs or the painting of curbs, giving notice thereon of the parking reservations and the limited parking permitted.
(Ord. 894, passed 1-5-1950; Ord. 1992, passed 8-21-1967; Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968; Ord. 2692, passed 2-12-1979)
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) shall provide for the installation, regulation, control, operation and use of the parking devices (inclusive of mobile handheld parking timing devices) and the enforcement of parking for which such parking devices are installed, provided for in this article and shall maintain such devices in good working condition; notwithstanding the foregoing or any other section of this Ordinance, if the DDA has not installed, on or before June 30, 2012, a parking meter system substantially similar to the Luke II multi-space pay station manufactured by Digital Payment Technology for the following streets:
(a) Saginaw Street from Union/Water Streets South to 7th Street;
(b) 7th Street from Beach Street East to Harrison Street;
(c) 5th Street from Beach Street East to Wallenberg Street;
(d) 4th Street from Alley East to Brush Alley;
(e) 3rd Street from Beach Street East to Brush Alley;
(f) 2nd Street from Buckham Alley East to Brush Alley; and
(g) W. Kearsley from Buckham Alley to E. Kearsley to exit for Kearsley Street Parking Lot;
the authority for parking enforcement granted to the DDA in this ordinance shall automatically terminate and be granted to the City of Flint Police Department.
(Ord. 894, passed 1-5-1950; Ord. 1992, passed 8-21-1967; Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968; Ord. 3694, passed 7-9-2007; Ord. 3724, passed 7-28-2008; Ord. 3801, passed 9-12-2011)
Such parking devices when installed shall be placed upon the curb or sidewalk alongside of or next to parking device zones to be designated as provided. Each of said parking devices shall be so set as to show or display a signal that the parking space alongside of same is or is not occupied.
(Ord. 894, passed 1-5-1950; Ord. 1992, passed 8-21-1967; Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968)
The Traffic Engineering Division shall place lines or marks on the sidewalk or on the streets above and alongside of each parking device, to designate the parking zone for which said timing device is to be used and each vehicle parking alongside said device shall park within the lines or marks as are established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line or mark, or to park said vehicle in such way that the same shall not be fully within the area so designated by the line or markings.
(Ord. 894, passed 1-5-1950; Ord. 1992, passed 8-21-1967; Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968)
The Traffic Engineering Division is authorized to establish and maintain loading zones and to omit parking devices for such loading zones, if it should find it advisable and necessary from the standpoint of safety traffic conditions and for the conduct of business and use of property by the abutting property owner or his lessees or assigns; provided, that no vehicle may remain in a loading zone for a period of time greater than is necessary to load or unload either passenger or property; provided further, that the time zone spaces where such parking devices have been installed and are supplemented with loading zone signs may be used for the loading and unloading of property during the hours specified on such signs. The provisions for loading zones are in addition to and not in derogation of regulations adopted in pursuance of provisions of this Code or other ordinances.
(Ord. 894, passed 1-5-1950; Ord. 1992, passed 8-21-1967; Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968; Ord. 3694, passed 7-9-2007; Ord. 3727, passed 8-11-2008)
(a) The downtown district shall be defined, for the purpose of this section, as the area under the authority of the DDA, as set forth in § 2-126 of the Flint City Code. The DDA shall be empowered to enforce and administer the entire parking system, inclusive of any and all violations of the City of Flint parking ordinances and/or regulations contained in this article or any other part of the Code of the City of Flint, and all parking devices, as defined in this chapter, within the district.
(b) No vehicle, occupied or not, shall be parked or stationary in any way in the downtown district for more than 2 (two) continuous hours between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., except for Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays; notwithstanding the foregoing, City of Flint residents shall not be subject to either the 2 or 3 hour parking restrictions set forth above in this article if they park within 100 feet of the address listed on their driver’s license, voter’s registration and/or State of Michigan identification card.
(c) Those who violate the parking restriction described in subparagraph (b) above shall be required to pay a fine of (i) $15.00 (fifteen) dollars in calendar year 2008, (ii) $20.00 (twenty) dollars in calendar year 2009, and (iii) $25.00 (twenty-five) dollars in calendar year 2010, payable to the DDA, as designated on the face of the citation. The amount of the citation may be changed from time to time by resolution of City Council.
(d) The DDA shall be sole collector of any revenue derived from parking within the DDA District.
(e) The DDA may install parking devices, inclusive of meters or other similar devices, in the parking areas described in subparagraph (b)(1) above with charges not to exceed $2.00 (two) dollars per hour of use (the “not to exceed” charges shall be adjusted annually in accordance with changes in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Indexes) with a maximum meter time of three hours and the depositing of additional coins shall not have the effect of extending the maximum parking time as stated on the parking device.
(Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968; Ord. 3109, passed 8-14-1989; Ord. 3394, passed 2-8-1999; Ord. 3694, passed 7-9-2007; Ord. 3727, passed 8-11-2008; Ord. 3802, passed 9-12-2011)
In order to determine the length of time any vehicle has been parked in any zone, a parking sign shall be erected on the sidewalk designating the time limit for parking in the area so designated; and the DDA shall use parking devices allowed under this article to determine the length of parking time and whether a violation has occurred under this article and/or the Code of the City of Flint.
(Ord. 894, passed 1-5-1950; Ord. 1992, passed 8-21-1967; Ord. 2095, passed 11-11-1968; Ord. 3694, passed 7-9-2007; Ord. 3727, passed 8-11-2008)