1030.01 Definitions
1030.02 Types of accounts
1030.03 Application and contract for sewer use service
1030.04 Reserved
1030.05 Bankruptcy proceedings
1030.06 Delinquency surcharge
1030.065 Delinquency liens
1030.07 Partial payments
1030.08 Termination of service; final bill
1030.09 Responsibility of tenants, lessees and owners to pay sewage bills
1030.10 Collection of charges
1030.11 Adjustment of bills; inaccurate meters; leaks
1030.12 Charge for dwelling and business units without separate water meters
1030.13 Reimbursement of fees for water not redistributed
1030.14 Recovery of operation, maintenance and replacement costs and debt service charges
1030.15 Distribution of collection fees
1030.16 Sewer Improvement Fund
1030.17 Connection fees
1030.18 Sewer rates
1030.185 No free service
1030.19 Application of rates inside and outside of village limits
1030.20 Sewer district boundaries
1030.21 Tap-in limitations; nonresidents excluded
1030.22 Special hook-on permits
1030.24 Maintenance of sanitary sewers
1030.25 Right of entry; injury or loss while on premises
1030.26 Power to enter easement properties
1030.27 Power to accept or reject wastes
1030.275 Right to limit connections
1030.28 Surcharge for special wastes
1030.29 Additional regulations
1030.30 Regulating and enforcing agency
1030.31 Application of regulations to systems outside corporate limits
1030.32 Written notice of violations
1030.33 Citations; arrest warrants
1030.34 Liability to village
1030.35 Determination of damage costs
1030.36 Determination and payment of fines
1030.99 Penalty; costs of litigation
Power to construct sewerage system - see R.C. §§ 715.40, 717.01
Compulsory sewage connections - see R.C. § 729.06
Sewerage rates - see R.C. §§ 729.49, 729.52
Prosecutions for theft of utilities - see GEN. OFF. § 642.26
Obstructions of sewers and drains - see GEN. OFF. § 660.13
(1) B.O.D. (denoting biochemical oxygen demand) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20ºC. expressed in milligrams per liter.
(2) BUILDING SEWER means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal. Specifically:
A. COMBINED BUILDING SEWER means a building sewer which conveys both sewage and storm water or other drainage.
B. SANITARY BUILDING SEWER means a building sewer which conveys sewage only.
C. STORM BUILDING SEWER means a building sewer which conveys storm water or other drainage, but not sewage.
(3) C.O.D. (denoting chemical oxygen demand) means the quantity of oxygen required to satisfy the carbon in a waste as determined by chemical oxidation of the waste with a strong oxidation agent-acid solution.
(4) COMBINED SEWER means a sewer receiving surface drainage and run-off from roof downspouts, exterior foundation drains, street drains, etc., and sanitary sewage.
(5) COOLING WATER means water discharged from any system of condensation, air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration or any other system, and has quality characteristics of unpolluted water.
(6) DEBT SERVICE CHARGE means the charge levied on users to make principal and interest payments required for the amortization of the cost of repairs and improvements to the village of Jefferson's sewer system and waste water treatment plant.
(7) GOVERNMENTAL USER means any Federal, State or local government user of the waste water treatment system.
(8) GRAB SAMPLE means a sample which is taken from a waste stream on a one-time basis with no regard to the flow in the waste stream and without consideration of time.
(9) HOLDING TANK WASTE means any waste from holding tanks, such as vessels, chemical toilets, campers, trailers, septic tanks and vacuum-pump tank trucks.
(10) INCOMPATIBLE POLLUTANT means a waste constituent which interferes with the operation and performance of the waste water treatment works.
(11) INDUSTRIAL USER means any nongovernmental, nonresidential user of the publicly owned treatment works that discharges a trade or process waste.
(12) INDUSTRIAL WASTE means the liquid waste from an industrial manufacturing process trade or business, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
(13) INSTITUTIONAL USER means an establishment which is involved in social, charitable, religious or educational functions and which discharges primarily segregated domestic wastes or waste from sanitary conveniences.
(14) NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT means any permit or equivalent document or requirement issued by the State water pollution control agency to regulate the discharge of pollutants from the waste water treatment works.
(15) NORMAL SEWAGE means sewage that, when analyzed, shows by weight a daily average of not more than 280 parts per million of suspended solids, nor more than 240 parts per million of B.O.D. and/or 500 parts per million of C.O.D., nor more than eight parts per million of phosphorus, nor more than eighty parts per million of ether-soluble matter (grease and oil). These concentrations will be used for determining surcharges.
(16) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE means all costs, direct and indirect, not including debt service, inclusive of, but not limited to, expenditures attributable to administration, the replacement of equipment, the purchase and installation of new equipment and the treatment and collection of waste waters, necessary to ensure adequate waste water collection and treatment on a continuing basis.
(17) RATE means the charge levied as a function of the total material water usage per unit of sewage.
(18) REPLACEMENT means expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such treatment works were designed and constructed.
(19) SANITARY SEWER means a sewer which carries sewage and industrial waste, from residences, commercial buildings, industrial operations and institutions, to which storm, surface or ground water is not intentionally admitted.
(20) SEWAGE means a combination of water- carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface or storm water as may be present.
(21) STORM DRAIN or STORM SEWER means a pipe or conduit that carries storm and/or surface water and/or drainage, but excludes sewage and/or industrial wastes. A storm drain or storm sewer may, however, carry cooling waters and/or unpolluted waters.
(22) STORM WATER means any flow occurring during or following any form of natural precipitation and resulting therefrom.
(23) SURCHARGE means the assessment, in addition to the service charge, which is levied on those persons whose wastes are greater in strength than the concentrations established as representative of normal sewage.
(24) SUSPENDED SOLIDS means solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
(25) USER means any person who contributes, or causes or permits the contribution of, waste water into the village's publicly owned treatment works.
(26) USER CHARGE means a charge levied on users of the waste water treatment works for the debt service charges and the operation, maintenance and replacement costs of such works.
(27) WASTE WATER or SEWAGE means liquid and water-carried industrial or domestic waste from dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities and institutions, together with any ground, surface and storm water that may be present, whether treated or untreated, which is contributed into or permitted to enter the publicly owned treatment works.
(`80 Code, § 1030.01) (Ord. 2044, passed 6-6-94)
All accounts are continuous and shall be billed and paid monthly. All accounts shall be divided into categories as follows:
(a) Domestic;
(b) Commercial;
(c) Industrial; and
(d) Governmental/institutional.
(`80 Code, § 1030.02) (Ord. 2044, passed 6-6-94; Ord. 2428, passed 7-15-02)
(a) An application for waste water treatment service of any of the types set forth in § 1030.02, made in accordance with these rules and regulations, when accepted by the village, shall constitute a contract. Service will be continuous so long as these rules and regulations are complied with, until termination is requested by the customer.
(b) Such application must be made at the office of the Village Administrator on the forms provided. Such application shall be signed by the person who is to be responsible for all charge arising from bills for sewer service, or by his or her authorized agent. The customer, if a tenant, shall be liable for charges for sewer use.
(c) In addition to making an application for waste water treatment service, a new customer must pay to the village a security deposit of $40 to ensure payment of future sewer charges. If sewer services are terminated by a customer and all sewer bills have been paid in full by the customer, the village will refund the sewer deposit. If sewer service is terminated and sewer bills are not fully and timely paid, the village shall set off the amount of the unpaid sewer bill against this deposit and refund the balance of the deposit, if any, to the customer. No interest shall be paid to the customer on the sewer deposit held by the village.
(d) The owner of the property shall be liable for any and all other services, repairs and damages which, in accordance with these rules and regulations, are the responsibility of the property owner.
(e) Information regarding a customer's application and/or account status shall be strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to any person except authorized and properly identified agents of law enforcement and postal authorities.
(`80 Code, § 1030.03) (Ord. 2258, passed 5-3-99; Ord. 2428, passed 7-15-02)