Recreation Committee
October 28, 1997
Present: Mary Stasny, Marc Glotzbecker, Ed Ward
Liquor License - Decided the Village should not have a license in its name, however we should provide paper form for those who wish to have alcoholic beverages during an event -(Reverse Raffles, Las Vegas Nights - etc.) anything you sell a ticket for and provide alcohol needs a license or if they sell the beverage - More research will be done in this area - We will also, more than likely request an additional sum of money as additional security deposit.
Rental Contracts - Gathering more information from other rental halls:
1. To be in the market price.
2. To see how others are worded.
Fees - Decided to move forward on reducing fees and to have 2 fee brackets - Member and Non-Members. Members would be any Village Resident and any other resident outside of the Village that wishes to pay a sum of money that could be equivalent to the amount that the Village Taxpayers put into that Department. ( We will continue to try and figure out this amount possibly with the help of the Clerk). The Village Residents will be the main focus, we want to provide service to them at a minimal amount.
Lampson Donation - Possibly furnishing a room and putting a plaque in his honor in the room. (No naming the room after him).
Organ - The need to build some type of platform to place the organ on, so it can be moved to a safe area when not in use.
Equipment - Marc has some ideas for equipment - will continue to gather information and purchase things in a timely manner so we are not starting things, while waiting to get into the new building.
Surround System - Christian Radio Station WCVJ is a possible donor of the surround system.
Release Forms - Forwarded to Solicitor.
Intern - Setting information to Kent State and Youngstown State - Will approach Guidance Counselor about other College Students attending for this area that might have Recreation as a major.
Non-Smoking - The Committee and Marc agree this is a good idea.
The possibility of sending Marc, Barb and Chris to tour 3 other community centers for ideas - Madison, Conneaut, Mentor, etc.
Meeting Adjourn
12:00 p.m.
Edwin J. Ward