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Jefferson, Ohio Code of Ordinances
Village of Jefferson, OH Meeting Minutes
VILLAGE OF JEFFERSON, OH Municipal Meeting Minutes
Buildings and Land Use Committee
Committee Council of the Whole
Finance Committee
Planning Commission
Records Committee
Recreation Committee
Safety Committee
Wastewater Committee
Zoning Board
1985 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1986 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1987 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1988 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1989 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1990 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1991 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1992 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1993 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1994 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1995 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1996 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1997 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1998 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1999 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2000 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2001 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2002 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2003 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2004 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2005 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2006 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2007 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2008 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2009 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2010 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2011 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2012 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2013 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2014 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2015 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2016 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2017 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2018 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2019 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2020 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2021 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2022 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2023 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2024 Village Council Meeting Minutes
Planning Commission
February 12, 1997
Meeting was called to order by Planning Commission Chairman Mayor William McCune.
Roll Call: McCune, Hansford, Ward
Absent: Topper, Masirovits
Also Present: Dan Weir, Administrator, Tim Lemire, Bev Finger, Terry Finger, Steve Siff, The Gazette.
Topic of Discussion: Lemire Property Subdivision
W. McCune - Dan can you give a overview of what Tim would like to do.
D. Weir - Tim Lemire is proposing to develop a residential housing development with the land he annexed to the Village. The proposed development meets the subdivision regulations of the Village, the sewers meet requirements of the Village and the 10 State standards. All the other utilities are shown on the plan also - gas - water. Tim has a street proposed with the proper 60' right of way width named Brittany Lane. The sewers are gravity with no force main, however, phase two of the project if built will more than likely need a pump station installed.
T. Finger - Who would pay for the pump station?
W. McCune - The developer.
E. Ward - Will the street be paved?
T. Lemire - Not in the first year. Paving will be included in the price of the land and will be done after approximately 70% of the homes are built.
W. McCune - The cost of paving the street should be placed in escrow.
E. Ward - What about sidewalks?
T. Lemire - No sidewalks are to be installed.
E. Ward - Street lights?
T. Lemire - All utilities will be underground, similar to Elliott Allotment.
D. Weir - The power company normally will provide for the installation of lighting when they develop their plans for power for the area.
G. Hansford - Are the utilities paid for by the Village?
W. McCune - No. Not at the Village's cost.
D. Weir - Are storms for surface water in the plans or open ditches?
T. Lemire - Storms will be enclosed.
Motion by William McCune to accept Tim Lemire's proposal as submitted.
2nd by Ward
Roll: McCune, yea; Hansford, yea; Ward, yea.
Motion Passed
W. McCune - Any other business?
T. Finger - Where does surface water flow now?
T. Lemire - To Mulberry to school property.
T. Finger - Question related to development - Elm Street house being build - are the sidewalks to be repaired?
W. McCune - Yes.
T. Finger - Noted road damage on Erie Street and Elm Street from the crane delivering the home to the site on Elm Street.
W. McCune - we will check on this and contact Lake City Homes about the matter.
W. McCune - Any other business?
G. Hansford - Why has the Planning Commission had no meetings?
W. McCune - Nothing has come forth to meet about. Any other business?
Meeting Adjourn.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel A. Weir,
Village Administrator
Mayor William A. McCune, Chairman