Records Committee
May 21, 1997
Present: Dan Weir Administrator (Chairman), Patricia Fisher Clerk/Treasurer, Jerome Lemire Solicitor, Trudy Armstrong, Dave Dvorak.
Motion by Lemire to appoint Patricia Fisher as secretary.
2nd by Weir
Roll: Armstrong, yea; Fisher, yea; Lemire, yea; Weir, yea.
J. Lemire - The Records Commission was passed by Ordinance 2087 on August 7, 1995 for the creation of a committee to provide rules for the retention and disposal of records in each municipal corporation.
Motion by Lemire to follow the schedule of records retention and disposition to dispose of records and use RC-2 for the records retention disposal.
2nd by Weir
Roll: Armstrong, yea; Fisher, yea; Lemire, yea; Weir, yea.
D. Dvorak - I am here today because the State Auditor's Office said I would have to go to the Village's or County's Records Committee for the records retention and disposal.
J. Lemire - When we get our record form filled out we will have to send a copy to the Auditor of State Records division and the Ohio Historical Society.
Motion by Lemire to use the RC-3 Form to activate disposal of the Jefferson Village Records.
2nd by Weir
Roll: Armstrong, yea; Fisher, yea; Lemire, yea; Weir, yea.
D. Weir - This is our first meeting for Records we are getting on record the right forms to use and what procedures should be taken in the process and disposal of public records.
Motion by Armstrong to adjourn the meeting.
2nd by Weir
Roll: Armstrong, yea; Fisher, yea; Lemire, yea; Weir, yea.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia A. Fisher,