A user shall:
(a) Be responsible for constructing an onsite service line to an established point of connection;
(b) Provide supervision of onsite facilities to assure compliance with this article and Chapter 12.5, Article V, Division 3 (Cross-Connection Control) of the city code;
(c) Provide access to on-site facilities at reasonable times for inspections by the city;
(d) Train all onsite facilities operations personnel consistent with the worker training and safety plan approved by the commission, pursuant to Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, § 210.4(a)(4)(F), as it may be amended from time to time; and
(e) Conduct all operations related to reclaimed water service in compliance with this article.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) Reclaimed water may be used only for the following purposes:
(1) Turf and general landscape irrigation in compliance with § 35-167;
(2) Non-food processing industrial processes;
(3) Nonresidential toilet and urinal flushing;
(4) Construction activities;
(5) Vehicle washing;
(6) Air conditioning cooling towers; and
(7) Other lawful uses as authorized by the director.
(b) A user may use reclaimed water only in locations and for uses as designated and approved in the user’s executed reclaimed water service agreement.
(c) Each user of reclaimed water or action related to reclaimed water must comply with Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, Chapter 210 and these provisions of this article.
(d) Reclaimed water service agreements are non-transferrable to subsequent property owners and/or users. Each user must enter into a reclaimed water service agreement for the provision of reclaimed water.
(e) Reclaimed water used for cooling or processing must be discharged to a sanitary sewer, in compliance with all applicable permits and laws governing such discharges, or obtain written approval from the director for any other proposed use, disposal or discharge of such water.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) The user shall conduct an annual inspection of the onsite facilities, either through the city water department or through the use of a city approved third party contractor.
(b) Additionally, the director may inspect devices installed by the user to control the flow of reclaimed water and may remove, or secure such devices if installed in violation of this article or any term of the reclaimed water service agreement.
(c) Director may inspect any offsite or onsite facilities, as well as use areas and adjoining property belonging to the user and shall be granted access, without prior notice to the user during normal business hours. If access is needed by the director during non-business hours, the user shall allow access at a reasonable time upon a prior request by the director.
(d) The user and his or her operators shall cooperate with the city and its authorized representatives and assist in performing inspections and operational tests.
(e) Any modifications to the user’s onsite facilities must meet all criteria in this article and is subject to inspection.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
A user must identify reclaimed water onsite facilities with signs having a minimum size of eight inches by eight inches posted at all storage areas and on all hose bibs and faucets, in both English and Spanish, the words “Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink” or a similar warning in accordance with Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, § 210.25.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
All persons using reclaimed water shall keep their onsite facilities in good repair, so as to prevent leakage. Maintenance is the owner’s responsibility. All onsite transportation, holding and distribution facilities for reclaimed water shall comply with the standards of Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, Chapter 210.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
A person commits an offense if a person:
(a) Uses reclaimed water for a purpose not approved by this article and/or authorized in the reclaimed water agreement;
(b) Uses or applies reclaimed water for any purpose, including approved uses, by direct application or by windblown spray, to an area other than the approved use area;
(c) Uses hose bibs or faucets on a reclaimed water system unless they are designed and installed to prevent connection to a standard water hose, as defined in Tex. Administrative Code Chapter 210.25;
(d) Allows any obstruction to impede access to meter boxes or other onsite or offsite facilities;
(e) Gives, sells, trades or transfers reclaimed water to another area without the prior written approval of the director;
(f) Discharges airborne or surface reclaimed water from the user’s property, other than to a wastewater treatment system or wastewater collection system, without notifying the city of its permit granted by TCEQ and authorizing the discharge;
(g) Interrupts reclaimed water service in a portion of the city’s system without the prior written approval of the director;
(h) Stores or applies reclaimed water in such a way as to cause runoff or ponding. If such conditions occur, in addition to any other corrective action taken or required by law, the user shall immediately alter its method of application to prevent any further runoff or ponding;
(i) Tampers with, works on, or in any way alters or damages any part of the city’s reclaimed water system. Tampering or work shall include, but is not limited to, opening or closing of valves, or causing of any reclaimed water to flow from the system;
(j) Cuts into or makes any improper connection with the system;
(k) Causes or allows their reclaimed water system to have any cross-connections (between two or more water supplies), any illegal connections or tie-ins, or any discharge of reclaimed water into the public wastewater system;
(l) Takes or uses reclaimed water without payment; or
(m) Removes or defaces any warnings, labels or signs pertaining to reclaimed water use.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) A person commits an offense if the person violates any provision of this article.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000 in accordance with § 1-6(c).
(c) Each instance of a violation of this article is a separate offense.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011; Ord. 23569-02-2019, § 2, passed 2-12-2019, eff. 2-23-2019)