(a) Reasons for temporary discontinuance. The director is authorized to temporarily discontinue service to premises for the following reasons:
(1) When a main break or other failure in the water or wastewater systems could injure persons, private or city property, or other parts of the systems;
(2) To perform routine maintenance or repair to any part of the water or wastewater systems;
(3) To perform emergency maintenance or repair to any part of the water or wastewater systems;
(4) In other cases of emergency, when necessary to protect the general health, safety or welfare of persons; or
(5) To make a connection to a newly constructed or relocated water or wastewater main.
(b) Responsibilities upon temporary discontinuance. In all cases of temporary discontinuance, the director must restore service as soon as is practical and must take all reasonable steps necessary to protect the public health and safety under the circumstances.
(Ord. 11572, § 3, passed 5-24-1994)
The following restrictions shall apply to all customers of or persons who receive water from the city water supply:
(a) The following uses of water are defined as
WASTING WATER and are strictly prohibited:
(1) Permitting or causing water to flow, spray or otherwise move or be discharged from the premises of any person responsible for any property within the corporate limits of the city to or upon any street, alley or other public right-of-way, ditch or drain, unless same is caused as a result of weather conditions or such other uncontrollable events; and
(2) Failing to repair a leak in a private plumbing system or in an irrigation system within five working days of the discovery or notification of same.
(b) When referred to in this subsection (b),
SWIMMING POOL shall mean any portable or permanent structure containing or holding a body of water 24 inches or more in depth and containing 1,000 gallons or more of water and intended for recreational purposes, including a wading pool. All swimming pools utilizing diamoteceous earth filters which are constructed 60 days after the effective date of this section shall be equipped with filtration, pumping and recirculation systems which provide for recycling of filter backwash water.
(Ord. 11572, § 4, passed 5-24-1994; Ord. 12582, § 1, passed 7-16-1996)