(a) No building shall be constructed as a dwelling in the city within 100 feet of any public water supply line unless there is installed in the building a kitchen sink and a flush rim water closet complete with vent pipes to provide water into the building and drains out of the building. The required plumbing fixtures and piping shall be maintained so long as the building is used as a dwelling. Whenever water under pressure is made available by the extension of water lines to within 50 feet of the lot on which such building is located, then connections shall be made thereto and the plumbing drains shall be connected to a sanitary sewer if available or otherwise to a septic tank as provided in Article V of this chapter.
(b) The term
DWELLING, when used in this section, shall mean a building, all or part of which is designed for occupancy by one or more persons, temporarily or permanently, as a place of residence.
(1964 Code, § 37-2)
Every person engaged in the business of furnishing water for domestic or industrial use in the city shall construct and maintain his or her lines and services as follows:
(a) Depth. All pipelines and mains used for the purpose of distributing water for domestic or industrial purposes shall be constructed and installed in the streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the city at least 36 inches from the top of the pipe to the improved grade as fixed and established by the director of the water department.
(b) Type “K” copper tubing required. All pipelines or service lines used for the purpose of conveying water from the main or distributing line to the meter shall be of type “K” copper tubing and shall be installed and constructed at least 30 inches below the established grade to the top of the pipe.
(c) Water main replacement in public ways. All water mains in the streets, alleys or public thoroughfares where permanent placement with concrete base is to be constructed, shall be replaced with pipe meeting water department specifications in effect as of the time the replacement is to be made.
(d) Digging in streets. No pipeline or service line shall be constructed and no repairs shall be made on lines already installed, which require any character of excavation or digging in the streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the city, without first making application and securing from the director of public works a permit to do such work.
(e) Requirements of National Board of Fire Underwriters. All water distribution system of mains shall be designed to meet all requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters as to adequate capacities for public fire protection and public fire hydrant spacing.
(1964 Code, § 37-3) (Ord. 10026, § 1, passed 12-18-1987; Ord. 18319-09-2008, § 10, passed 9-30-2008)
(a) No building shall be constructed over an existing sanitary sewer main until such sewer has been replaced with ductile iron pipe of a type and class specified by the water department.
(b) Whenever it is necessary to relocate or replace an existing sewer main to permit the construction of a building, such relocation or replacement shall be accomplished by the city at the expense of the owner, or under the supervision of the city by a contractor employed by the owner and approved by the director of the water department.
(1964 Code, § 37-3.1) (Ord. 6685, § 1, passed 6-19-1972; Ord. 10026, § 2, passed 12-18-1987)
It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of furnishing water to consumers through pipelines or service lines maintained in the streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the city to collect a charge for such water service unless at the same time the charge made under this chapter relating to sewer charges is also collected for the benefit of the city, or satisfactory evidence is furnished that such charge has been paid.
(1964 Code, § 37-6)