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   (a)   The term PUBLIC QUARTERS LOCATED ON MILITARY INSTALLATIONS ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY shall mean all housing units or projects located upon land owned by the United States of America and operated by the United States Air Force as places of residence for personnel stationed at Carswell Air Force Base, a portion of such base being within or adjacent to the corporate boundaries of the city.
   (b)   Charges for water and sewerage services rendered to public quarters located on military installations adjacent to the corporate boundaries of the city, whether such public quarters are within or without the corporate limits of the city, shall be the same as the rates established or hereafter established for consumers located within the corporate limits of the city, and the minimum charge for such service shall be that applicable to the size of the meter through which water is furnished without regard to the number of living or other units served through such meters.
(1964 Code, §§ 37-27, 37-28)