(a) The city may finance capital improvements or facility expansion designated in the capital improvements plan through the issuance of bonds, through the information of public utility districts or other assessment districts, or through any other authorized mechanism, in such manner and subject to such limitations as may be provided by law, in addition to the use of impact fees.
(b) Except as herein otherwise provided, the assessment and collection of an impact fee shall be additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment which is lawfully imposed on and due against the property.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(1.19), passed 6-5-1990)
Impact fees established by this division are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the city on the development of land, the issuance of building permits or the connection of utilities. Such fee is intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of city’s comprehensive land use plan, the capital improvements plan, the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations and other city policies, ordinances and resolutions by which the city seeks to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(1.20), passed 6-5-1990)
(a) Any person who has paid an impact fee or an owner of land upon which an impact fee has been paid may petition the city council to determine whether any duty required by this division, other than those matters which may be appealed pursuant to § 35-70.10, has not been performed within the time so prescribed. The petition shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the unperformed duty and request that the duty be performed within 60 days of the request. If the city council determines that the duty is required pursuant to this division and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duty to commence within 60 days of the date of the request and to continue until completion.
(b) The city council may grant a variance from any requirement of this division, upon written request by a property owner subject to this division, following a public hearing, and only upon finding that a strict application of such requirement would, when regarded as a whole, result in confiscation of the property.
(c) If the city council grants a variance that reduces the amount of the impact fee due for a new development under this division, it shall cause to be appropriated from other city funds the amount of the reduction in the impact fee and deposit such funds in the account for the benefit area in which the property is located.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(1.21), passed 6-5-1990)
Any building permit application which was duly accepted for filing prior to the effective date of this division and which is subsequently granted, shall be exempt from the assessment and payment of an impact fee, unless such application thereafter expires.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(1.22), passed 6-5-1990)
(a) There is hereby established a water benefit area, constituting the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction, as depicted on Exhibit “C” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
(b) The boundaries of the water benefit area may be amended from time to time, or new water benefit areas may be delineated, pursuant to the procedures in § 35-70.13.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(2.01), passed 6-5-1990; Ord. 11328, § 5, passed 6-1-1993; Ord. 13810, § 5, passed 5-25-1999; Ord. 15745, § 5, passed 11-11-2003; Ord. 15982, § 5, passed 5-18-2004; Ord. 18518-03-2009, § 3, passed 3-24-2009; Ord. 20406-09-2012, § 5, passed 9-18-2012, eff. 1-1-2013; Ord. 22525-12-2016, § 5, passed 12-6-2016, eff. 4-1-2017; Ord. 25101-09-2021, §§ 3, 4, passed 9-21-2021, eff. 1-1-2022)
Editor’s note:
Exhibit “C,” as referenced in subsection (a), is not set out herein, but is on file and available for inspection in the office of the city clerk.
(a) The water improvements plan for the City of Fort Worth is hereby adopted as Exhibit “D” attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.
(b) The water improvements plan may be amended from time to time, pursuant to the procedures in § 35-70.13.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(2.02), passed 6-5-1990; Ord. 11328, § 6, passed 6-1-1993; Ord. 13810, § 6, passed 5-25-1999; Ord. 15745, § 6, passed 11-11-2003, Ord. 15982, § 6, passed 5-18-2004; Ord. 18518-03-2009, § 4, passed 3-24-2009; Ord. 18593-05-2009, § 3, 2, passed 5-5-2009, eff. 6-1-2009; Ord. 20406-09-2012, § 6, passed 9-18-2012, eff. 1-1-2013; Ord. 22525-12-2016, § 6, passed 12-6-2016, eff. 4-1-2017; Ord. 25101-09-2021, §§ 3, 4, passed 9-21-2021, eff. 1-1-2022)
Editor’s note:
Exhibit “D,” as referenced in subsection (a), is not set out herein, but is on file and available for inspection in the office of the city clerk.
(a) The maximum impact fees per water meter for water facilities are hereby adopted and incorporated in Schedule 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
(b) The impact fees per service unit for water facilities, which are to be paid by each new development, are hereby adopted and incorporated in Schedule 2 attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
(c) The impact fees per service unit for water facilities may be amended from time to time, pursuant to the procedures in § 35-70.13.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(2.03), passed 6-5-1990; Ord. 18593-05-2009, §§ 1, 2, passed 5-5-2009, eff. 6-1-2009; Ord. 20406-09-2012, §§ 3, 4, passed 9-18-2012, eff. 1-1-2013; Ord. 22525-12-2016, §§ 3, 4, passed 12-6-2016, eff. 4-1-2017; Ord. 25101-09-2021, §§ 3, 4, passed 9-21-2021, eff. 1-1-2022)