(a) Upon completion of the irrigation system installation or alteration, and after review of the irrigation system by the owner as provided for in §§ 35-166(a) through (f), the irrigator or irrigation technician, or property owner shall request an inspection of the irrigation system by the city’s water department. Such irrigation system shall not be used without the city’s completed inspection and approval that such irrigation system complies with Article VII.
(b) A person commits an offense if that person uses, allows to be used or causes to be used an irrigation system which has not passed the city’s inspection and has not received the city’s approval for its use.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)
(a) An irrigator is responsible for all work that the irrigator performs during the installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or service of an irrigation system.
(b) All trenches and holes created during the maintenance, alteration, repair or service of an irrigation system must be returned to the original grade with compacted select backfill by the irrigator who caused such work to occur.
(c) Colored PVC pipe primer solvent must be used on all pipes and fittings used in the maintenance, alteration, repair or service of an irrigation system in accordance with the city’s plumbing code, as it may be amended.
(d) When maintenance, repair or service of an irrigation system involves excavation work at the water meter or backflow prevention assembly, an isolation valve shall be installed, if an isolation valve is not present.
(e) A person commits an offense if that performs or causes to be performed any maintenance, alteration, repair or service of an irrigation system in violation of the section.
(f) The city shall not bear any responsibility to the owner of an irrigation system to modify or upgrade the irrigation if the city exposes the mainline during maintenance of the city’s water system.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)
(a) Reclaimed water may be utilized in the irrigation systems if:
(1) There is an written agreement between the city and the owner/operator of the irrigation system;
(2) The user complies with Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, Chapter 210, titled “Use of Reclaimed Water;”
(3) There is no direct contact with edible crops, unless the crop is pasteurized before consumption;
(4) The irrigation system does not spray water across property lines that do not belong to the irrigation system’s owner;
(5) The irrigation system is installed using purple components;
(6) The domestic potable water line is connected using an air gap or a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device, in accordance with Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, § 290.47(i);
(7) A minimum of an eight-inch by eight-inch sign, in English and Spanish, is prominently posted on/in the area that is being irrigated, that reads, “RECLAIMED WATER - DO NOT DRINK” and “AGUA DE RECUPERACIÓN - NO BEBER;” and
(8) The backflow prevention on the reclaimed water supply line complies with the city code requirements and other applicable laws.
(b) A person may not use or connect any alternative water supply sources, such as, but not limited to, gray water or harvested rain water without the prior written approval of the city’s water director.
(c) A person commits and offense if that person uses or causes to be used reclaimed water or any other source or supply of water in violation of this section.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)
(a) All vehicles used in the performance of irrigation installation, maintenance, alteration, repair or service must display the irrigator’s license number in the form of “LI____________” in a contrasting color of block letters at least two inches high, on both sides of the vehicle.
(b) All forms of written and electronic advertisements for irrigation services must display the irrigator’s license number in the form of “LI____________.” Any form of advertisement, including business cards, and estimates which displays an entity’s or individual’s name other than that of the irrigator must also display the name of the irrigator and the licensed irrigator’s license number.
(c) Additionally, the name, mailing address and telephone number of the TCEQ must be prominently displayed on a legible sign and displayed in plain view for the purpose of addressing complaints at the permanent structure where irrigation business is primarily conducted and irrigation records are kept.
(d) A person commits an offense if that person uses or causes to be used any advertisement in violation of this section.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)
On all installations of irrigation systems or maintenance, alterations, repairs or service to existing irrigation systems, an irrigator shall present the irrigation system’s owner or owner’s representative a written document that identifies the materials furnished in the maintenance, alteration, repair or service. If a warranty is provided, the irrigator must specify the irrigator’s name, business address and business telephone number(s), must contain the signature of the irrigation system’s owner or owner’s representative confirming receipt of the warranty and must include the statement:
Irrigation in Texas is regulated by the Texas commission on environmental quality (TCEQ), MC-178, P.O. Box 130897, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. TCEQ’s website is: www.tceq.state.tx.us.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)
(a) The city council shall adopt a schedule of fees for reimbursement of costs of permitting, inspecting and enforcing Article VII as follows:
(1) Fees for issuing irrigation installation permits; and
(2) Fees for monitoring and inspection by the city or its agent.
(b) Such fees shall relate solely to the matters covered by this Article VII and are separate from and in addition to all other fees, fines and penalties assessable by the city.
(c) The fee schedule may be amended from time-to-time as the city council deems reasonably necessary.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)