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   Whoever by any means or devices prevents water from passing through any meter connected directly or indirectly with the lines or mains of the city waterworks, whether sewer service customer only or both water and sewer, or from registering the amount of water passing through such meter, or prevents or obstructs a meter from accurately registering the quantity of water supplied, or in any way interferes with its purpose, action or just registration, or whoever, without the consent in writing of the director of the water department diverts any water from any pipes, lines or mains of the waterworks, or otherwise uses or causes to be used any water produced or distributed by the waterworks, or retains possession thereof, or refuses to deliver any meter or other appliance loaned to him or her by the water department for the purpose of furnishing water through same and registering the quantity thereof, shall be deemed in violation of these rules and regulations and shall be for each such offense fined as hereinafter provided. The presence at any time on or about any meter, water lines or mains of the city, whether such meter, if any, is owned or operated by the city or others, of a pipe or any device or pipes resulting in the diversion of water or the prevention of its free passage and registration by any such meter, or resulting in the diversion from such meter, or resulting in the prevention of water reaching the meter, or resulting in the prevention of just registration of the meter or meters or resulting in the taking of any water except through a meter as above set forth shall constitute prima facie evidence on the part of the person owning or having custody or control of the room, building, place or premises where such device or pipe is located, of knowledge of the existence thereof and knowledge of such existence to the person who would be benefited by the failure of the water to be accurately metered shall further constitute prima facie evidence of intention on the part of such person or persons to defraud, and shall bring such person prima facie within the scope, meaning and penalties of this section and article.
(1964 Code, § 37-24)