Whoever by any means or devices prevents water from passing through any meter connected directly or indirectly with the lines or mains of the city waterworks, whether sewer service customer only or both water and sewer, or from registering the amount of water passing through such meter, or prevents or obstructs a meter from accurately registering the quantity of water supplied, or in any way interferes with its purpose, action or just registration, or whoever, without the consent in writing of the director of the water department diverts any water from any pipes, lines or mains of the waterworks, or otherwise uses or causes to be used any water produced or distributed by the waterworks, or retains possession thereof, or refuses to deliver any meter or other appliance loaned to him or her by the water department for the purpose of furnishing water through same and registering the quantity thereof, shall be deemed in violation of these rules and regulations and shall be for each such offense fined as hereinafter provided. The presence at any time on or about any meter, water lines or mains of the city, whether such meter, if any, is owned or operated by the city or others, of a pipe or any device or pipes resulting in the diversion of water or the prevention of its free passage and registration by any such meter, or resulting in the diversion from such meter, or resulting in the prevention of water reaching the meter, or resulting in the prevention of just registration of the meter or meters or resulting in the taking of any water except through a meter as above set forth shall constitute prima facie evidence on the part of the person owning or having custody or control of the room, building, place or premises where such device or pipe is located, of knowledge of the existence thereof and knowledge of such existence to the person who would be benefited by the failure of the water to be accurately metered shall further constitute prima facie evidence of intention on the part of such person or persons to defraud, and shall bring such person prima facie within the scope, meaning and penalties of this section and article.
(1964 Code, § 37-24)
(a) The following definitions shall apply in this section:
ABNORMAL SEWAGE. Any sewage having a suspended solids or B.O.D. content which is, in the judgment of the director of the water department, significantly in excess of, or below, that found in normal sewage, but is otherwise acceptable into the city sanitary sewerage system.
B.O.D. (DENOTING BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND). The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure as specified in standard methods in five days at 20°C expressed as parts per million by weight (milligrams per liter).
COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER CLASS. Shall consist of those customers which have three or more living units served by a single water meter, or which have one or more businesses served by a single water meter.
DIRECTOR. The director of the water department of the City of Fort Worth or his or her authorized representative.
INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMER CLASS. Shall consist of those customers whose sewage contains waste water from a product manufactured, processed or fabricated by the customer.
LIVING UNIT. A residential unit providing complete, independent, living facilities for one family, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitation.
MONITORED GROUP CLASS. Shall consist of those customers determined by the director of the water department to be producers of waste water that is, in his or her judgment, abnormal sewage.
NONRESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER CLASS. Shall consist of the industrial customer class and the commercial customer class.
NORMAL SEWAGE. Sewage which when analyzed shows by weight a daily average of not more than 240 mg/l of suspended solids and not more than 210 mg/l of B.O.D., and which is otherwise acceptable into the city sanitary sewerage system.
RECLAIMED WATER. Highly treated effluent from Fort Worth’s wastewater treatment plant, supplied through the reclaimed water transmission and distribution system, which meets or exceeds the requirements for Type I reclaimed water uses, as set forth by Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, § 210.33.
RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER CLASS. Shall consist of those customers which have no more than two living units served by a single water meter.
STANDARD METHODS. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater prepared and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation.
SUSPENDED SOLIDS. Solids that either float on the surface of, or in suspension in, water, sewage or other liquid and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
WHOLESALE CUSTOMER. A municipality, town, village or other governmental entity or private firm contracting with a governmental entity for the provision of water, reclaimed water and/or wastewater service.
(b) (1) The following schedule of rates per month, or fraction thereof, shall be the charges to all residential and nonresidential customers for furnishing water to such customers located within the city. The residential monthly volume charge for water service shall be the charges to the residential class, as defined in this chapter, for furnishing water to residential water customers located within the city. The nonresidential monthly volume charge for water service shall be the charges to the nonresidential customer class, as defined in this chapter, for furnishing water to nonresidential water customers located within the city.
Retail Water Rates | |
Monthly Service Charge for Water | |
Meter Size (Inches) | Monthly Charge |
Retail Water Rates | |
Monthly Service Charge for Water | |
Meter Size (Inches) | Monthly Charge |
3/4 × 5/8 | $13.75 |
3/4 × 3/4 | $14.00 |
1 | $29.05 |
1-1/2 | $54.50 |
2 | $85.10 |
3 | $225.10 |
4 | $385.55 |
6 | $818.45 |
8 | $1,429.65 |
10 | $2,142.80 |
(2) The monthly volume charge for water service is as follows:
Residential Customer Class | |
Cubic Feet | Rate |
Residential Customer Class | |
Cubic Feet | Rate |
First 600 or less cubic feet of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $2.28 |
For the next 1,200 cubic feet of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $3.19 |
For the next 1,200 cubic feet of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $4.29 |
For all in excess of 3,000 cubic feet of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $5.37 |
Commercial Customer Class | |
All usage of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $2.74 |
Industrial Customer Class | |
All usage of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $2.74 |
Irrigation Meters | |
First 10,000 or less cubic feet of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $3.01 |
For all in excess of 10,000 cubic feet of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet | $4.03 |
Gas Well Drillers | |
All usage of water used per month, per 100 cubic feet per month | $5.85 |
(3) The service charges set out in the foregoing schedules are based upon the amount of water used as measured by meters.
(c) The following schedule of rates per month, or fraction thereof, shall be the charges to all residential and nonresidential customers for furnishing sewerage service to such customers located within the city. The residential monthly volume charge for sewerage service shall be the charges to the residential class, as defined in this chapter, for furnishing sewerage service to residential sewer customers located within the city. The nonresidential monthly volume charge for sewerage service shall be the charges to the nonresidential customer class, as defined in this chapter, for furnishing sewerage service to nonresidential sewer customers located within the city.
(1) Monthly service charge for sewerage service only.
Meter Size (inches) | Monthly Charge |
Meter Size (inches) | Monthly Charge |
3/4 × 5/8 | $7.50 |
3/4 × 3/4 | $7.80 |
1 | $13.80 |
1-1/2 | $37.50 |
2 | $60.00 |
3 | $112.50 |
4 | $187.50 |
6 | $375.00 |
8 | $600.00 |
10 | $862.50 |
12 | $1,612.50 |
(2) a. A monthly volume charge shall also be charged to residential customers in the amount of $4.26 per 100 cubic feet of water used, and to nonresidential/non-monitored customers in the amount of $4.19 per 100 cubic feet of water used, or wastewater produced, as more specifically set forth hereinafter.
b. The monthly volume charges for residential class customers will be based on the individual customer’s average monthly water use during the preceding winter quarter months of December, January and February. The volumes used to compute these charges are based on the amount of water used by the residential class customer as measured by a meter. Where no preceding winter quarter average is available from records, the director shall estimate a volume to be used for this monthly volume charge.
c. The monthly charges to the nonresidential/non-monitored customers will be based on total water use as measured by appropriate meters, with the provision that if a customer can prove, to the satisfaction of the director, that a significant portion of the metered water usage does not enter the sanitary sewers, the customer will be charged for only that volume entering the sewers, as determined by a method approved by the director.
(d) (1) The director shall establish a monitored group class, consisting of those customers whose wastewater strength is, in his or her judgment, abnormally high or whose wastewater contains limited substances or materials, and charges to customers in this class shall be computed in accord with the following five-part rate schedule:
Monitored Group | |
Volume charge, per 100 cubic feet | $2.65 |
BOD strength charge, per pound of BOD | $0.2697 |
Suspended solids strength charge per pound of suspended solids | $0.1978 |
Dissolved solids strength charge, per pound of dissolved solids (applicable to gas well drillers) | $0.0420 |
Monitoring and pretreatment charge = Total actual cost |
(2) The monitoring charge shall consist of all cost for personnel, material and equipment used to collect and analyze samples from the customer’s wastewater to determine the strength of the wastewater produced and, when appropriate, to inspect pretreatment facilities, to administer pretreatment permit systems and to enforce ordinance requirements. Pretreatment requirements primarily affect industries that are subject to 40 C.F.R. part 403, General Pretreatment Regulations.
(3) This schedule shall replace all other charges previously made for industrial waste strength.
(e) All customers connected to the sanitary sewerage system who have a source of water supply that is in addition to, or in lieu of, the city water supply must have a meter approved and tested by the department on that source of water supply and the volume charge as set forth hereinbefore shall be based on the sum of the volumes delivered by all sources of supply. Such method of volume determination will not be applicable if the customer installs a meter approved by the water department on the waste water produced by the customer before it enters the city sanitary sewer.
(f) Charges paid by municipal departments for water and sewerage services shall be paid for at the rates in effect.
(g) The following schedule of rates per month, or fraction thereof, shall be the charges to all wholesale customers for furnishing water to such customers:
Rates for Wholesale Water Service | |
Volume ($/1,000 gallons)* | $0.8350 |
Maximum Day ($/MGD excess) | $100,828.00 |
Maximum Hour ($/MGD excess) | $27,923.00 |
Customer ($/Meter/Month) | $25.00 |
*plus raw water cost |
Raw Water Service | |
All uses inside Tarrant Regional Water District per 1,000 gallons per month | $1.52615 |
All uses outside Tarrant Regional Water District per 1,000 gallons per month | $1.52615 |
(h) The following schedule of rates per month, or fraction thereof, shall be the charges to all wholesale customers for furnishing wastewater services to such customers:
Rates for Wholesale Wastewater Service
| |
Volume ($/1,000 gallons) | $1.8275 |
BOD ($/pound) | $0.6136 |
TSS ($/pound) | $0.3223 |
Customer ($/month) | $75.00 |
(i) The standby charge per month, per 1,000 gallons is $0.8936.
(j) (1) The following schedule of rates per month, or fraction thereof, shall be the charges to all wholesale customers for furnishing reclaimed water to such customers:
Rates for Wholesale Reclaimed Water Service | |
Volume ($/1,000 gallons) | |
October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2012 | $1.45 |
October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014 | $1.50 |
(2) Starting October 1, 2014, the wholesale reclaim water service rates will increase by 5% annually until such time as the cumulative amount of the annual system deficits has been recovered.
(3) The customer shall be charged on a monthly basis the volume rate charge multiplied by a minimum 50% of the customer’s contracted average monthly amount (annual amount divided by 12 months) in order to establish a minimum cash flow to meet the operating and debt expenditures for the system.
(k) A permit/contract fee up to $5,000 will be assessed for a ground water remediation discharge permit. The term of the permit/contract shall not exceed two years. In addition to a volume charge based on current rates, a monthly service fee of $4.50 will be assessed.
(l) Rates.
Account Services | |
New Meter Set | $60 |
Standard Activation/Transfer | $20 |
Same Day Activation/Transfer | $25+ |
Same Day After Hours Activation/Transfer | $50+ |
Other Field Services | |
First meter test/investigation per 12-months | No Charge |
Additional test/investigation per 12-months* | $75 |
Investigation By Appointment | $100 |
Meter Replacement by Request | Actual Cost |
Replacement Installation by Request (< 2") | $60 |
Replacement Installation by Request (> 2") | Actual Cost |
Tampering/Theft | |
Tampering, damage, inactive/unauthorized consumption | $150 + estimated use + cost of damage |
Meter Removal | $60 |
Delinquency | |
Late Payment | 10% past due |
Disconnect/Lock/Shut off | $20 |
Broken Lock | $25 |
Standard Reactivation | $20 |
Same Day Reactivation | $25+ |
Same Day After Hours Reactivation | $50+ |
+ equals the standard charge plus the additional charge. | |
(1964 Code, § 37-25) (Ord. 5432, § 1, passed - -; Ord. 6325, § 2, passed 6-29-1970; Ord. 6888, § 1, passed 8-13-1973; Ord. 7380, § 1, passed 7-12-1976; Ord. 7586, § 1, passed 8-2-1977; Ord. 7981, § 1, passed 9-18-1979; Ord. 8158, § 1, passed 8-18-1980; Ord. 8264, § 1, passed 2-10-1981; Ord. 8387, § 1, passed 9-1-1981; Ord. 8618, § 1, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. 8619, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. 8905, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-30-1983; Ord. 8906, § 1, passed 8-30- 1983; Ord. 9179, § 2, passed 8-28-1984; Ord. 9180, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-28-1984; Ord. 9432, §§ 1, 2, passed 7-23-1985; Ord. 9433, § 2, passed 7-23-1985; Ord. 9696, §§ 1—3, passed 8-19-1986; Ord. 10143, §§ 1—4, passed 7-26-1988; Ord. 10173, § 1, passed9-27-1988; Ord. 10373, §§ 1—6, passed 8-29-1989; Ord. 10672, §§ 1—3, passed 9-18-1990; Ord. 10196, §§ 1—3, passed 9-17-1991; Ord. 11172, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-22-1992; Ord. 11298, §§ 1—3, passed 4-20-1993; Ord. 11336, §§ 1—3, passed 6-15-1993; Ord. 11395, §§ 1—3, passed 9-14-1993; Ord. 11678, §§ 1—3, passed 9-20-1994; Ord. 11717, §§ 1—4, 8, passed 11-1-1994; Ord. 12113, §§ 1—3, passed 8-20-1995; Ord. 12114, §§ 1—3, passed 8-20-1995; Ord. 12669, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-10-1996; Ord. 12670, §§ 1—3, passed 9-10-1996; Ord. 13145, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-2-1997; Ord. 13146, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-2-1997; Ord. 13575, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-15-1998; Ord. 13576, §§ 1—3, passed 9-15-1998; Ord. 13944, §§ 1—3, passed 9-21-1999; Ord. 14347, § 1, passed 9-26-2000; Ord. 14348, §§ 1—3, passed 9-26-2000; Ord. 14349, § 1, passed 9-26-2000; Ord. 14762, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-28-2001; Ord. 14796, §§ 1—3, passed 10-2-2001; Ord. 15253, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-24-2002; Ord. 15254, §§ 1—3, passed 9-24-2002; Ord. 15693, §§ 1—3, passed 9-23-2003; Ord. 15694, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-23-2003; Ord. 16141, § 1, 2, eff. 10-1-2004; Ord. 16154, §§ 1—3, passed 10-5-2004; Ord. 16623, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-27-2005; Ord. 16624, §§ 1—3, passed 9-27-2005; Ord. 16932, § 1, passed 5-9-2006; Ord. 17208, § 1, passed 9-26-2006; Ord. 17801, §§ 1—3, passed 9-25-2007; Ord. 17798, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-25-2007; Ord. 18316-09-2008, § 1, passed 9-30-2008, eff. 1-1-2009; Ord. 18317-09-2008, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-30-2008; Ord. 18835-09-2009, §§ 2, 3, passed 9-22-2009, eff. 1-1-2010; Ord. 18836-09-2009, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-22-2009; Ord. 18990-01-2010, §§ 1—3, passed 1-12-2010, eff. 10-1-2010; Ord. 19376-09-2010, §§ 1—3, passed 9-28-2010; Ord. 19377-09-2010, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-28-2010; Ord. 19909-09-2011, §§ 1—3, passed 9-20-2011, eff. 10-1-2011; Ord. 19910-09-2011, §§ 1—3, passed 9-20-2011, eff. 1-1-2012; Ord. 20405-09-2012, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-18-2012, eff. 1-1-2013; Ord. 20407-09-2012, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-18-2012, eff. 10-1-2012; Ord. 20946-09-2013, §§ 1—3, passed 9-17-2013, eff. 1-1-2014; Ord. 20947-09-2013, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-17-2013, eff. 10-1-2013; Ord. 21448-09-2014, §§ 1—4, passed 9-9-2014, eff. 1-1-2015; Ord. 21449-09-2014, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-9-2014, eff. 10-1-2014; Ord. 21855-09-2015, §§ 1—3, passed 9-1-2015, eff. 1-1-2016; Ord. 21856-09-2015, §§ 1—3, passed 9-1-2015, eff. 10-1-2015; Ord. 22375-08-2016, §§ 1—3, passed 8-30-2016, eff. 10-1-2016; Ord. 22374-08-2016, §§ 1—3, passed 8-30-2016, eff. 1-1-2017; Ord. 22890-09-2017, §§ 1—3, passed 9-12-2017, eff. 10-1-2017; Ord. 22891-09-2017, §§ 1—3, passed 9-12-2017, eff. 1-1-2018; Ord. 23377-09-2018, §§ 1—3, passed 9-11-2018, eff. 10-1-2018; Ord. 23429-09-2018, §§ 1—2, passed 9-25-2018, eff. 10-1-2018; Ord. 23818-09-2019, §§ 1—4, passed 9-10-2019, eff. 1-1-2020; Ord. 23819- 09-2019, §§ 1—3, passed 9-10-2019, eff. 10-1-2019; Ord. 23990-12-2019, § 2, passed 12-17-2019, eff. 4- 1-2020; Ord. 24450-09-2020, §§ 1—3, passed 9-22-2020, eff. 10-1-2020; Ord. 24504-10-2020, § 1, passed 10-27-2020; Ord. 25035-09-2021, §§ 1—3, passed 9-14-2021, eff. 10-1-2021; Ord. 25692-09-2022, § 1—3, passed 9-13-2022, eff. 10-1-2022; Ord. 26450-09-2023, §§ 1—3, passed 9-19-2023, eff. 10-1-2023; Ord. 26451-09-2023, §§ 1, 3, 4, passed 9-19-2023, eff. 1-1-2024; Ord. 27105-08-2024, §§ 1—4, passed 8-27-2024, eff. 1-1-2025; Ord. 27213- 10-2024, §§ 1, 2, passed 10-15-2024, eff. 10-1-2024)
The following words, when used in this section, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them.
COMMUNITY FACILITIES AGREEMENT (CFA). A contract between a developer and the city for the construction of community facilities, on a property in which the city has or will have an ownership or other legal interest, that the city requires to be constructed as a condition of plat or plan approval, or the issuance of a building permit.
LONG TAP. A service tap crossing beyond the centerline of the street to the opposite side of the street to the property to be served.
MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS. An agreement with the city's Water Department engineering staff which allows for the city to provide engineering design services and construction of water or wastewater infrastructure.
COMMUNITY FACILITIES AGREEMENT (CFA). A contract between a developer and the city for the construction of community facilities, on a property in which the city has or will have an ownership or other legal interest, that the city requires to be constructed as a condition of plat or plan approval, or the issuance of a building permit.
LONG TAP. A service tap crossing beyond the centerline of the street to the opposite side of the street to the property to be served.
MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS. An agreement with the city's Water Department engineering staff which allows for the city to provide engineering design services and construction of water or wastewater infrastructure.
SANITARY SEWER TAP. A connection to the public sanitary sewer located in a public street and the sanitary sewer service lateral line extended approximately three feet behind the curb line adjacent to the property served thereby; except in easements and alleys, where the sanitary sewer service lateral is extended as close as possible to the private property line as is deemed reasonable by the director.
SHORT TAP. A service tap located on the same side of the street as the water main that does not cross the centerline of the street.
STANDARD METER. A three-quarter-inch by five-eighths-inch meter.
TAP REMOVAL. The removal and/or abandonment of a water tap service line and meter and/or sewer tap by the city.
WATER TAP. The connection to the public water main and the water service line extended to a point approximately three feet behind the curb line adjacent to the property served thereby, to the point of the meter connection; except in easements and alleys where the water tap connection and water service line is extended as close as possible to the private property line as is deemed reasonable by the director.
(1964 Code, § 37-26) (Ord. 5432, § 2, passed - -; Ord. 5875, §§ 1—6, passed - -; Ord. 6325, § 3, passed 6-29-1970; Ord. 6685, § 2, passed 6-19-1972; Ord. 6888, § 2, passed 8-13-1973; Ord. 7094, §§ 1, 2, passed 11-11-1974; Ord. 7380, § 2, passed 7-12-1976; Ord. 7981, § 2, passed 9-18-1979; Ord. 8158, § 2, passed 8-18-1980; Ord. 8264, § 2, passed 2-10-1981; Ord. 8387, § 2, passed 9-1-1981; Ord. 8618, § 2, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. 8619, § 3, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. 8680, § 2, passed 11-16-1982; Ord. 8905, § 3, passed 8-30-1983; Ord. 8906, § 2, passed 8-30-1983; Ord. 9179, § 3, passed 8-28-1984; Ord. 9180, § 3, passed 8-28-1984; Ord. 9432, § 3, passed 7-23-1985; Ord. 9433, § 3, passed 7-23-1985; Ord. 9696, §§ 4—6, passed 8-19-1986; Ord. 9982, § 1, passed 10-13-1987; Ord. 10026, § 3, passed 12-18-1987; Ord. 10075, § 1, passed 3-15-1988; Ord. 10173, § 2, passed 9-27-1988; Ord. 10374, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-29-1989; Ord. 10678, § 1, passed 9-25-1990; Ord. 11717, § 9, passed 11-1-1994; Ord. 12076, § 1, passed 8-15-1995; Ord. 12669, §§ 1, 2, passed 9-10-1996; Ord. 12670, §§ 1—3, passed 9-10-1996; Ord. 24061-02-2020, § 1, passed 2-18-2020, eff. 4-1-2020)
(a) No fire line or fire protection system shall be connected to the public water main or supply without an approved meter or detector check device with a bypass, except for a closed sprinkler system having an approved automatic waterflow alarm system.
(b) The city shall install the necessary meters and service lines connecting the fire line/fire protection system to the public water main or supply to the detector check (on open systems) or to the curb line (on closed systems) such installation to be done at the sole expense of the customer.
(c) The city shall maintain the fire line from the main to the curb line on a closed fire system and from the main to the city side of the detector check device on an open fire systems, but city shall not maintain the detector check device. On combined domestic/fire line systems, the city shall maintain the line from the main to the customer side of the meter.
(d) Periodic inspection of fire lines may be conducted by the city.
(e) The director may, upon ten days prior written notice to the city fire marshal and customer, disconnect the fire line/fire protection system from the public water main or supply if:
(1) An unauthorized connection to the public water main or supply exists;
(2) Public water has been used from a fire line/fire protection system for a purpose other than extinguishing a fire or for testing the fire line/fire protection system;
(3) A fire line/fire protection system has been installed or used without a required meter;
(4) A waste of water occurs from a fire line/fire protection system through leaking pipes or fixtures and same is not repaired within ten days after receiving notice; or
(5) Failure to pay the requisite monthly charge for the fire line.
(f) Upon disconnection of the fire line/fire protection system, restoration of service shall not be made until the customer has remedied the cause for disconnection.
(g) (1) The monthly charges for connection to unmetered, automatic sprinklers, or other fire lines installed and used for fire protection shall be as follows:
Connection Size (Inches) | Monthly Charge |
4 and under | $16.95 |
6 | $25.50 |
8 | $33.95 |
10 | $56.40 |
12 | $105.10 |
(2) Charges for connection sizes larger than 12 inches shall be determined by the director.
(h) All fire line/fire protection system systems shall comply in all respects with the cross-connection control regulations.
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995)
(a) Only one standard meter shall be attached to and be served by a three-fourths-inch tap. No more than two standard meters or one one-inch meter shall be attached to and served by a one-inch or three standard meters or three one-inch meters shall be attached to and served by a one-and-one-half-inch tap. Not more than one two-inch, four one-inch or six standard meters shall be attached to and served by a two-inch tap.
(b) In instances where fire protection is not a factor and good engineering practices permit, and upon written authorization from the director, multiple small meter settings may be made at a single location instead of a three-inch or larger meter at such location, but such multiple small meter settings shall be made entirely at the customer’s cost. The customer’s cost shall include tap installation, meters, meter fittings, meter boxes, meter deposits and impact fees for each meter. The city shall retain ownership of all of such facilities and equipment.
(c) Customers using a separate water meter for one or more seasonal purposes (such as lawn watering, but not being limited thereto) shall in addition to any volume charges pay the minimum monthly charge prescribed for each meter size throughout the year.
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995)
A property owner may request that the water meter providing service to the owner’s property be reduced or enlarged in size. A charge shall be made by the city for each reduction or, in addition to any impact fee, enlargement of size of the water meter. The charge to be made for the reduction or enlargement, exclusive of any impact fee, shall be as follows:
Water Meter Reduction | |
Size Reduction (Inches) | Charge |
1 to 3/4 | $40 |
1-1/2 to 3/4 | $70 |
1-1/2 to 1 | $70 |
2 to 1-1/2 | $90 |
2 to 1 | $90 |
Water Meter Enlargement | |
Size Enlargement (Inches) | Charge |
3/4 to 1 | $40 |
3/4 to 1-1/2 | $70 |
1 to 1-1/2 | $70 |
1-1/2 to 2 | $90 |
1 to 2 | $90 |
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995)