(a) Any person who desires the extension of reclaimed water distribution mains for the provision of reclaimed water service shall bear all costs of extending the distribution main from the transmission main to the user’s property line and comply with the city’s policy for the installation of community facilities as it relates to reclaimed water service. The size of such distribution mains are to be determined by the city, based on the user’s expected reclaimed water consumption.
(b) Any distribution main construction which includes oversizing of a distribution main at the request of the city shall be advertised for bids or using the city’s approved unit prices for water mains in the manner generally required for city construction and shall also comply with the city’s policy for the installation of community facilities. All qualified bids submitted shall be publicly opened and let in the same manner as other city construction contracts are bid and let. The construction contract shall be between the user and contractor. Prior to commencement of the work under the contract for construction of an oversize distribution main, the contractor must have complied with the city’s policy for the installation of community facilities.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)