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   A person commits an offense if a person:
   (a)   Uses reclaimed water for a purpose not approved by this article and/or authorized in the reclaimed water agreement;
   (b)   Uses or applies reclaimed water for any purpose, including approved uses, by direct application or by windblown spray, to an area other than the approved use area;
   (c)   Uses hose bibs or faucets on a reclaimed water system unless they are designed and installed to prevent connection to a standard water hose, as defined in Tex. Administrative Code Chapter 210.25;
   (d)   Allows any obstruction to impede access to meter boxes or other onsite or offsite facilities;
   (e)   Gives, sells, trades or transfers reclaimed water to another area without the prior written approval of the director;
   (f)   Discharges airborne or surface reclaimed water from the user’s property, other than to a wastewater treatment system or wastewater collection system, without notifying the city of its permit granted by TCEQ and authorizing the discharge;
   (g)   Interrupts reclaimed water service in a portion of the city’s system without the prior written approval of the director;
   (h)   Stores or applies reclaimed water in such a way as to cause runoff or ponding. If such conditions occur, in addition to any other corrective action taken or required by law, the user shall immediately alter its method of application to prevent any further runoff or ponding;
   (i)   Tampers with, works on, or in any way alters or damages any part of the city’s reclaimed water system. Tampering or work shall include, but is not limited to, opening or closing of valves, or causing of any reclaimed water to flow from the system;
   (j)   Cuts into or makes any improper connection with the system;
   (k)   Causes or allows their reclaimed water system to have any cross-connections (between two or more water supplies), any illegal connections or tie-ins, or any discharge of reclaimed water into the public wastewater system;
   (l)   Takes or uses reclaimed water without payment; or
   (m)   Removes or defaces any warnings, labels or signs pertaining to reclaimed water use.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)