It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of furnishing water to consumers through pipelines or service lines maintained in the streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the city to collect a charge for such water service unless at the same time the charge made under this chapter relating to sewer charges is also collected for the benefit of the city, or satisfactory evidence is furnished that such charge has been paid.
(1964 Code, § 37-6)
It is hereby made the duty of the appropriate city officials or any police officer, when directed or required so to do, to notify the owner or occupant of premises upon which a dry closet may stand or exist, to discontinue the use of same, and erect and build in lieu thereof a water closet with sewer and water connections. Such notice shall not go into detail, but shall suffice if it directs the attention of the owner, agent or occupant of such premises to such conditions and the necessity of change thereof. Such notice, which shall be in writing and signed by the officer serving the same, shall be executed by serving same on the owner of such property and if he or she be a nonresident of the city or absent therefrom, then upon the sales or rental agent. A notice shall also be served upon the occupant of such premises by leaving same with some member of the family of the occupant or serving it directly upon him or her. Fifteen days after such notice has been served shall be allowed the owner within which to comply with such notice.
(1964 Code, § 37-7)
Statutory reference:
State law authorizing home rule cities to require sewer connections, see Tex. Local Government Code Ch. 552
All property owners, their agents and tenants shall be held responsible for all water use including loss of water due to leakage in pipes or plumbing inside the discharge side of the meter or on their property, and if this water is not paid for according to the rates provided in this chapter when payment therefor becomes due, the water service shall be discontinued by the city and not turned on again until all claims are paid. If there is any change in tenant as customer on rented property and there exist, at that time, charges in arrears for past usage, the property owner or tenant shall be held to account for payment for such usage before service will be extended and water furnished to any new tenant. If any customer shall be indebted to the city for water or sewerage service furnished or for leakage or repairs on any account at his or her then or previous place of consumption, service shall be discontinued until payment in full is made.
(1964 Code, § 37-8) (Ord. 25423-03-2022, § 1, passed 3-29-2022)
No plumber or any other person shall turn water on or off from the street stopcock without a written permit first being obtained from the city water department, except only in case of repairs to the plumbing system through which the city water is used.
(1964 Code, § 37-9)
Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, see Ch. 20
Every person provided water or sewer service by the city directly or indirectly shall at all reasonable times permit the director of the water department or his or her agents to enter the premises and building for examination of pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used, and refusal by any consumer shall result in termination of water or sewer service from the city until such permission is granted.
(1964 Code, § 37-12)