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   (a)   Any person installing or altering an irrigation system within the city or its ETJ, unless otherwise exempted below, shall first obtain a permit from the city’s planning and development department.
   (b)   A person shall be exempt from obtaining a permit prior to installing or altering an irrigation system if such irrigation system is:
      (1)   An on-site sewage disposal system, as defined by Tex. Health and Safety Code § 366.002;
      (2)   Used on or by an agricultural operation as defined by Tex. Agriculture Code § 251.002, as it may be amended; or
      (3)   Connected to a groundwater well used by the property owner for domestic use.
   (c)   A person commits an offense if a person installs or alters an irrigation system within the city or its ETJ, unless otherwise exempted, without a permit from the city.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)