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   The following terms, when used in this division, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
   APPROACH SEWER MAIN. The portion of a newly constructed public sewer main or force main from where it connects to an existing sewer main to the closest outer perimeter of a proposed development.
   CITY-INITIATED SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE. Any sewer infrastructure constructed by the city, regardless of the size or length of the infrastructure constructed.
   CITY PARTICIPATION. The portion of the construction cost that the city pays for or reimburses to a developer pursuant to the Community Facilities Agreements Ordinance, including the city's cost for over-sizing developer-initiated sewer infrastructure.
   (a)   The costs incurred by the city related to a city-initiated sewer infrastructure project, or the city participation costs in a developer-initiated sewer infrastructure project, which costs are based upon the unit costs contained in the contracts awarded for the construction of the sewer infrastructure that are not paid for with impact fee funds, regardless of the final cost, and may include design and easement acquisition costs, including any costs and legal fees associated with condemnation of easements; or
   (b)   The cost incurred by a developer related to the construction of a developer-initiated approach sewer main based solely on the cost of the contracts awarded for the construction of such sewer main, without regard to the final cost, and may include design and reasonable easement acquisition costs, but excludes any legal and real estate agent fees and other condemnation expenses.
   DEVELOPER-INITIATED SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE. Any approach sewer main constructed by a developer, with or without cost participation, regardless of the length and size of the pipe.
   DEVELOPER'S DEVELOPMENT COST PERCENTAGE. The development cost incurred by the developer divided by the entire cost of the project excluding the developer's legal, real estate agent fees, and other condemnation expenses, expressed as a percentage.
   FRONTAGE MAIN. The portion of a public sanitary sewer main or force main located on land abutting a street, stream, drainage channel, or water body, or the portion of a public sanitary sewer main or force main located within a property boundary.
   OTHER DEVELOPMENT. A property that is developing, redeveloping, going through a change of use, or previously on a septic system or other sewer system, that connects directly or indirectly to sewer infrastructure for which a sewer capacity charge has been established.
   PEAK DISCHARGE RATE. The peak discharge rate contained in the sewer study or loading analysis approved by the city.
   PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. A property for which sanitary sewer service is being requested that requires the construction of developer-initiated sewer infrastructure.
   SEWER CAPACITY CHARGE. A pro rata charge based on one million gallons per day (MGD) of sewer capacity.
   SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE. An approach sewer main, frontage main, public sewer main or force main crossing a property boundary, or a public lift station, constructed by the city, or a developer, that is not included in the city's most recently adopted water and wastewater impact fee study.
(Ord. 26324-08-2023, § 1, passed 8-8-2023)