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   (a)   Reclaimed water may be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   Turf and general landscape irrigation in compliance with § 35-167;
      (2)   Non-food processing industrial processes;
      (3)   Nonresidential toilet and urinal flushing;
      (4)   Construction activities;
      (5)   Vehicle washing;
      (6)   Air conditioning cooling towers; and
      (7)   Other lawful uses as authorized by the director.
   (b)   A user may use reclaimed water only in locations and for uses as designated and approved in the user’s executed reclaimed water service agreement.
   (c)   Each user of reclaimed water or action related to reclaimed water must comply with Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, Chapter 210 and these provisions of this article.
   (d)   Reclaimed water service agreements are non-transferrable to subsequent property owners and/or users. Each user must enter into a reclaimed water service agreement for the provision of reclaimed water.
   (e)   Reclaimed water used for cooling or processing must be discharged to a sanitary sewer, in compliance with all applicable permits and laws governing such discharges, or obtain written approval from the director for any other proposed use, disposal or discharge of such water.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)