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   (a)   Definition. As used in this section only, the term CUSTOMER means a single-family residence or duplex and shall include a yard meter serving such residence or duplex.
   (b)   Refund requirements. The director of the water department or his or her duly authorized representative may refund a security deposit to the customer when the customer meets all of the following conditions:
      (1)   The customer has been receiving service for 12 continuous months;
      (2)   The customer has acquired a satisfactory credit history with the water department;
      (3)   The customer has not made payment during the past 12 months with a check returned due to insufficient funds; and
      (4)   The customer has no delinquent bills outstanding.
   (c)   Refusal to refund. Notwithstanding subsection (a) above, the director of the water department or his or her duly authorized representative may refuse to refund a security deposit where due to the circumstances of a customer’s account there is a substantial risk of financial loss to the department.
   (d)   Review for eligibility. The director of the water department or his or her duly authorized representative shall review all customer payment histories at least once each year to determine eligibility for refund. Refunds will be made in the following manner.
      (1)   A refund will normally be credited to a customer’s bill.
      (2)   If a refund is greater than the outstanding bill, the remaining portion of the refund will be applied to the subsequent bills.
      (3)   If a customer no longer has an account for service or, in special circumstances approved by the director of the water department, such refund may be made by a check made payable to the customer.
(Ord. 9937, § 3, passed 8-25-1987)